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Old 08-10-2012, 10:05 PM   #68
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Many thanks to Komodo Jones for doing all of the corrections!

Thanks Username87654, hood.0272, and Hollyann for the feedback on part 5!
It All Started With An E-mail
Part 6: The Punishments

Dear Master,

I think that the punishment I should get for telling someone about our “relationship” is what I said in the previous e-mail. I think I should have to write lines saying, "I will not tell anyone about my relationship with Master."

I think that the punishment I should get for not completing your task today should be to keep trying until I do it right and make you happy.

Love, Sarah

Sarah hoped that the e-mails were good enough and hoped that the punishment she would receive for sending it late wouldn't be too harsh. There was a knock at Sarah's door.

*Knock, knock, knock* "Who is it?" Sarah asked.

"It's me, Tommy. Can I come in for a second?" Tommy asked, nervously.

"Sure." Sarah answered him. Tommy opened the door and walked in. He sat on the bed. "What's up?" Sarah asked him.

"Well... you're a girl, right?" Tommy asked.

"Well duh." Sarah told him.

"So you know how girls think right?" Tommy asked.

"Yes I do. Why?" Sarah asked, knowing where this was going.

"Well, one of my friends has a crush on this girl and he doesn't know how to talk to her." Tommy told her.

"Oh... okay. What's this friend’s name?" Sarah asked.

"Um... Tom. Tom Tucker." Tommy told her, lying poorly.

"Oh come on Tommy. I know that you don't have a friend named Tom. Anyway, I think it's cute that you have a crush on a girl." Sarah told him.

"Really? You do? Eric said it was stupid." Tommy told her, a little sad.

"Don't listen to Eric, he only says that because no girls ever like him. It's not stupid. It's just a sign that you're growing up. Now, tell me, who is this girl?" Sarah asked him.

"It's um, well, it's um, Emily." Tommy told her, embarrassed.

"Wait, my new friend Emily?" Sarah asked him, surprised.

"Well... yes." Tommy told her.

"Wait, how do you even know her?" Sarah asked him, confused.

"We have three classes together. I, you, and Emily have three classes together, remember? We have P.E., Family and Consumer Science (FACS) 9, and Band together." Tommy told her, getting annoyed that she forgot.

"Oh yeah. I remember now. So what do you want to know?" Sarah asked him.

"I want to know how to talk to her and tell her that I like her." Tommy told her, getting a little nervous.

"Well the best advice I can give you is just get to know her and try to be her friend. Don't just tell her that you like her right away. Be nice and be yourself." Sarah told him, happy to give her little brother advice.

"Okay, thanks Sarah." Tommy said. He got up and gave her a hug before leaving. Sarah was surprised but hugged him back. After he left she checked her e-mail and saw that her Master had e-mailed her back. She was shocked to see what it said. It read:

Dear Sarah,

I am happy that you sent the e-mails but am very disappointed that you were an hour late to send them. So you now get three punishments instead of two.

I really liked your idea for the punishment for telling someone else about our “relationship.” So, that's going to be your first punishment, or at least part of it. Tonight, before you go to bed, you are to write, "I will not tell anyone about my relationship with Master" 100 times. But you will have to do it seven different times, for a total of 700 times. Make sure to separate each 100 with a new piece of paper. Why, you might ask? Because you will be “forgetting” them in each one of your classes. On the top of each paper, you will also write your e-mail and a note that says, "E-mail me for some fun.” You will do this for one school week (five school days) starting tomorrow. So that means you will write, "I will not tell anyone about my relationship with Master" 700 times each day, for five school days, for a total of 3500 times and also. On each piece of paper don’t forget to include your e-mail as well as “E-mail me for some fun." I know this will be a challenge for you. I know that you don't want to do this. But if you do this it will show me that you will do anything for your Master. It will also teach you not to tell anybody about our relationship again. If you forget or miss a day, you will get a punishment for every 100 that you forget or don't do. As long as you never tell anyone, unless given permission, you will never have to do this again; I promise.

I liked your idea for the punishment for not completing the task I had set for you. But, I'm going to make it a little more challenging. Every day, for one school week (five school days) you will have to sit by me on the bus to and from school. You will be wearing a skirt (I'll have one for you tomorrow so just put on shorts in the morning). Your task is during the whole way there and the whole way back, to masturbate just by rubbing your pussy on the bus seat. If you cum, you can't stop. When we reach the last stop before school or the last stop before yours, you will have to clean up any messes you have made. If you don't cum at least once during the rides, you will get a punishment. I hope you like this one. You will probably have to do this one many more times throughout the year.

You get your last punishment because you were an hour late sending the e-mails to me. I gave you two hours to send two e-mails. Hopefully, this will get you to learn. This punishment will be hard, and it will be involving another person. It will be involving your brother, Tommy. I know that this will be really, really, hard, but you have to do it. The punishment will be to somehow get three photos of Tommy naked, showing his dick and his face. I want three because I have three of you and it would only be fair to get three of each slave. I don't care how you do it. I don't care what you have to do to get them. You just have to get them. I'm happy that I have one slave, but I will be even happier if I can get two or maybe even more. You have until Friday to get me the pictures. If you don't get them, you will get a punishment for every picture that you don't get.

Look, I know that these punishments are hard but I told you that I'm very strict. When I need to get a point across, I get it across the easy way or the hard way. Now, you better get started on those punishments! E-mail me when you finish with the first 700 lines.

Love, your Master

Sarah was in shock. She couldn't believe how strict her Master was being. "700 lines a day? How am I ever going to do that? But more importantly, how am I supposed to get the pictures of Tommy?" Sarah worried to herself. Then she heard another knock on the door.

*Knock, knock, knock* "Who is it?" Sarah asked, for the second time that night.


Will Sarah complete her punishments?
Will Tommy be the 2nd slave of Justin?
Keep reading 'It All Started With An E-mail' to find out!
PM me dares! I will try any dare that gets sent that doesn't have anything to do with any of my limits!

I need help figuring out my likes, dislikes and some limits! Dare me!

Likes: Mouth soaping, writing lines, spanking, anal, slight pain, certain public things
Dislikes: ???
Limits: Certain public things, permanent, major pain, any type of sex, family, friends

If you think I deserve a punishment for not updating my story, punish me.
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