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Old 06-25-2008, 07:35 AM   #1
gD king
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Default Corner Dice Dare

This dare is to be done in your room. There should be a clock of some sort, but you are not allowed to look at the clock during the dare. If you leave the corner too early, you must do the action which you rolled.\

If a section starts in **, you can re-roll as many times as you want if it goes against your limits or you just don't want to do it. However you must drink 2 glasses of water each time. Also you must not leave the room for any reason (even to use the bathroom) even if you try to come back too early.)

How Long to stand in the corner

1- 30 minutes
2- 1 hour
3- 1 hour 30 minutes
4- 2 hours
5- 3 hours
6- 4 hours

**What to Wear

1- Naked
2- Fully Clothed
3- Diaper only
4- Underwear only
5- Underwear of opposite sex
6- Completely crossdressed

** What to do before you start

1- Drink 2 glasses of water, then re-roll.
2- Drink 5 glasses of water (You cannot re-roll after getting this result.)
3- Wear handcuffs behind your back (if you dont have them then tie your hands instead.) The keys for the handcuffs (or scissors if needed to untie) should be at the opposite end of the room.) You must also shackle/tie your legs if possible.
4. Wear nipple clamps the entire time. If you take them off, you leave them off, but 2 hours is added to the total time.
5. #3 and #4
6. Insert a marker or other such object up your ass. If it falls out, you must pick it up and put it back in (tricky if cuffed :P )

You are not allowed to look at the time or set your alarm during the duration of this dare. If you return too early:

1: The time starts completely over!
2. Drink 2 glasses of water and then add 1 hour to the time remaining. (If you are to be wearing handcuffs, drink 1 glass of water and re-roll.)
3. You must finish the dare with your bedroom door open. If you leave too early after that, your time starts over.
4. Double the time you have remaining.
5. You must make a post asking for a punishment, 1 punishment for each time you come back too early. You must do the first punishments given as a response. Also, add 30 minutes to the time after that.
6. If you come back too early at all, ignore the next section. You must re-roll again 1 hour after this dare is over, and do what that dare says.

When to play again (Only roll this after the last time you have to do this dare. For example, if you must do this every day this week, only roll in this section on the last day.):

1- Tomorrow
2- Game over
3- Every day this week
4- Game over
5- Every other day for 2 weeks
6- Game over

Well this is my first dice dare, tell me what you think I'll do this sometime. Feel free to modify anything to your taste.

(It lists my old Dom there too lazy to change it)

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