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Old 07-23-2012, 11:33 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Mary’s Challenge, Day 1
By Jappio

Part 2

Julie stepped out of the car as Mary tried and figure out what this meant. The two actually expect Mary walk the block, completely naked, to get to Jenny’s house. It was the middle of the day, and she’d be out under the sun with nothing to wear.

It was Friday however, and Mary knew that people were probably not out of class or work yet. No one was in sight. She’d also lose another point if she didn’t.

When Julie opened Mary’s door, Mary crossed her arms over her breast and squeezed her legs shut. The bright sun shined in. She’d never been naked somewhere like this in the day. Normally it’d be dark, or she wouldn’t be expected to go such a distance.

“I don’t know…” Mary muttered. Julie and Jenny didn’t say anything, so Mary turned and let her feet hang out the door.

Mary had to wonder what would be tougher. How bad would the final task be if she didn’t do this one? Mary held a hand between her legs and an arm across her breast as she stood out of the car. With Julie standing nearby, and the car behind her, Mary wasn’t yet too exposed.

Mary could see that there was a bit of scarce cover down the road. She wouldn’t have many chances to hide. What if Julie and Jenny tell her not hide though? Could Mary end up losing points as they went along? What if the final task wasn’t too bad and the two were just tricking her? Mary wasn’t sure what to do.

Mary knew that this was to test her. She knew that if it was something she could do, she might as well do it. That way she wouldn’t end up doing something she couldn’t.

Of course this wasn’t enough to completely put her at ease. Walking a block, completely naked, and in daylight, was going to be tough. She’d never done anything like it in such a public place.

Mary took a step away from the car. She looked around again. She hadn’t heard or seen sign of anyone. Mary stepped away from the car and shut the door. She quickly ducked down next to it, and started to plan what she would do first.

Before she could even stand to start walking though, Mary heard the car start up. Jenny waved goodbye, and in a few moments Mary’s main cover began to drive away!

“Wait!” Mary screeched as she held a hand out, as if to tell her to stop.

“She’ll meet us at her place. She’ll be able to have it ready for us then,” Julie said as she began to walk away.

Mary didn’t want to continue crouching in the middle of the sidewalk, so she quickly started to walk behind Julie. Mary felt incredibly naked. She didn’t have any clothing nearby. She couldn’t choose to hide in the car anymore either.

Mary wished she had a couple extra eyes. She wanted to be able to see in every direction. She wanted to make sure no cars were coming. She wanted to make sure no one inside their homes could see her. A few of the houses did have cars parked in their driveways. If they looked out, they’d see a naked girl following another girl, walking down the sunny street.

Mary had her hands crossed over her breast. She knew it technically didn’t make her any less naked, but it still comforted her some. Mary tried to keep a steady pace, but she couldn’t help but hesitantly walk down the road. She kept stopping, looking around. Mary was afraid the farther she went, the more chances someone might see.

Julie giddily skipped alongside Mary. Mary wanted to tell her to settle down and not draw so much attention. Mary couldn’t even find her voice though. She hadn’t had the time to work up her courage for this; she’d been suddenly thrown in. She was having a hard time adjusting.

As if Julie could sense her conflict, Julie rested her hands on Mary’s shoulders and gently nudged her to a quicker pace. “Jenny’s probably waiting for us, we better get moving,” Julie reminded Mary.

Mary took Julie’s advice, and began to move a bit faster. Now at a regular walking pace, Mary’s goal was starting to come into sight. She was only 4 houses away now, and she was starting to think she’d make it.

“How’s it like to be completely naked out in day light?” Julie asked suddenly. Mary instantly froze up and hugged her crossed arms tighter across her chest. She wasn’t prepared at all for the sudden question.

“Um, uh…” Mary stuttered.

“Hm? I didn’t hear an answer. Maybe Julie and I should have penalties when you withhold information too, it’s sort of like denying a task,” Julie teased.

Mary couldn’t tell if Julie was joking or not. She was worried that they would penalize her more for it. “I um, well it’s really scary.”

“I suppose it would be. I mean you’re completely naked, nothing to cover up with,” Julie teased some more. Mary couldn’t help but blush and look around again. Her nerves were starting to shoot back up. “Who knows when someone might come by and see you walking naked in public? It’d be pretty embarrassing.”

Mary started to slow down again. She looked around and saw no one. She heard faintly the sound of a car though, and began to dash towards a nearby bush. She quickly ducked behind the bush, too worried to even look out from behind it.

Mary thought her heart was beating at least 10 times a second. She could barely hear the car, off in the distance. Mary wasn’t sure if it was anywhere near them, but she didn’t dare risk it. She thought about it driving past them, getting an unobstructed view of her naked body. Mary blushed just thinking about how embarrassing it would be to get caught walking around a neighborhood naked and in the middle of the day.

Julie joined Mary behind the bush. “The coast is clear you know.”

Mary looked out from behind the bush. She didn’t see anyone or any cars. She couldn’t even hear the one from before. Mary couldn’t convince herself to get out from behind the bush though. “Please Julie, can’t I borrow what you’re wearing?” She pleaded.

“That would leave me naked though,” Julie joked as she lifted her shirt to show her bare breast.

“That doesn’t bother you though!” Mary argued.

“True, but you’re the one that is supposed to do this naked. Now I’m going to get out of here before you try and steal my precious clothing. If you want to get inside and to safety, I recommend you stop hiding here and get that naked butt of yours moving down that street,” and without another word, Julie got up and started walking towards Jenny’s house.

Mary thought about how silly it would probably have looked had she tried to take Julie’s clothes, two girls wrestling in the middle of the street in broad daylight, one of them naked and trying to take the other girl’s clothes. She blushed at just the thought.

Mary slowly stood back up. As much as she wanted an easier way out of this situation, she knew being left alone behind a bush would only lead to trouble. She’d eventually be discovered by whoever lived in the house on that property.

Mary managed to get back on the sidewalk, and returned to heading to Jenny’s. She now only had 3 houses to go, and did her best to not slow down. She could see Julie up ahead, occasionally looking back with a smile. In the very least, Mary could say she was making her friend happy.

Mary couldn’t lie to herself though. She was doing this for more than making her friends happy. She was incredibly scared, but at the same time she couldn’t keep denying the thrill. Her heart racing gave her a high like none other. Doing this type of thing gave her a feeling she never felt otherwise. Every time she was pushed to her limits like this, she really did feel accomplished. She didn’t want someone to see her, but at the same time, the possibility of it happening was exciting.

Julie stopped walking so Mary could catch up. Again they were walking side by side. “So, how is it being naked out here?” Julie asked again.

Mary blushed, thinking of admitting the truth. She knew that’d only be trouble, and far too embarrassing. “Still scary,” she paused for a moment, “yet I’m doing better,” she admitted.

Julie didn’t say anything after that. The two just silently walked until they arrived at Jenny’s.

Jenny was waiting at the door, and let the two in. Mary sighed in relief, finally inside and out of the public’s eye.

“Good job Mary, faster than I expected,” Jenny said as she closed the door.

“Thanks, I think,” Mary responded.

“Wasn’t so bad, now was it?” Julie joked. Mary didn’t feel like she needed to answer that question.

Immediately, Jenny and Julie changed the subject. Even though Mary remained naked, the two didn’t pay any attention to it. Mary wasn’t sure if they were being nice and giving her a break, or if all the nudity was really that mundane that the subject of it could be dropped at a moment’s notice.

Mary didn’t completely get use to her nudity though. It felt just too obvious to her. Every movement she made, every time she stood or sat, or any time she thought the other two glanced her way. She was naked, exposed, and there was no avoiding the thought for her.

They went on like this for a few hours. Just talking, watching TV, and doing a bit of homework. This of course came to an end. “Mind checking the mail for me Mary?” Jenny asked.

Mary thought about it for a moment. It was evening now. People were probably coming home from work at this point. She knew the street would probably be busier. At the same time, it was just a short walk.

Mary saw the expecting looks on Jenny’s and Julie’s faces. She knew she probably shouldn’t turn it down right away at least. “Can I take a look outside before I decide?” Mary asked.

Jenny nodded, and so Mary got up and walked over to the window. She pushed the drapes to the side so she could spy outside. She didn’t see any cars go by, and saw no one standing about. The sun was setting, so it hadn’t gotten dark yet. Mary weighed her options. “How bad could an extra penalty be?” she wondered.

After a few more seconds, and not having seen anyone, Mary figures she might as well do it. She walked an entire block earlier; she could probably quickly get this one done.

“I’ll do it…” Mary said, blushing as she did. She found it embarrassing to do this, as if for them. She thought about it though, and it would probably be just as embarrassing to do it for herself too. She couldn’t think of a way to have agreed to do it without it being embarrassing.

After a few moments of standing and waiting, Jenny motioned for Mary to leave. Mary wasn’t sure what she was waiting for, maybe for them to walk her out at least. The fact that they didn’t even move to watch her seemed odd to her. She was almost disappointed, but convinced herself she at least didn’t have a guaranteed audience this way.

Mary walked to the front door and slowly opened it. She used it to shield her naked body as she stuck her head out the opening. Everything seemed clear. Mary told herself she’d just have to run and not stop.

After a deep breath, Mary ran at top speed. As worried and scared as she was, everything went by like a blur at first. Before she knew it, she was already at the road and near the mailbox! She opened it up, and quickly grabbed whatever was inside. She felt silly standing at the side of the road, her butt pointed out at the street. She was happy that there wasn’t much mail; she didn’t know what she’d do if she had to chase after dropped letters in the wind.

Mary was now on the return trip. She was happy that she’d yet to notice anyone. She’d be back inside and safe again. She was feeling pretty proud of herself too.

Mary got up on the stoop, placed her hand on the door handle, and tried to let herself inside. Mary wasn’t able to though. The door had been locked!
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