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Old 07-21-2012, 04:48 PM   #292
KittyCat91's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Never Neverland. Second star to the right,& straight on til morning XD
Posts: 95
Default Chapter 18pt.3

(Kaiden lets me go. As I start to walk to the living room I see Xavier leaning on the wall trying to keep himself up, walking towards us.)
Xavier: You're so dead..
Cathryn: You already have been dead to me,so I don't care. (Xavier trys to grab my wrist, but I kick his shin before he could)
Xavier: Ooow! Shit!!!
Cathryn: You're lucky I didn't kick you in the nuts again! Now listen clearly, I don't want your nasty fillthy hands ever touching me again!!!
Kaiden: Whoa... (pulls me back behind him, to break Xavier and I up) Cat, calm down.
Cathryn: If he thinks that he can make me please him, he's dreaming!
Xavier: Time to wash your mouth out with my cock!
Cathryn: (I push Kaiden, so I'm now infront of Xavier) If you dare put that disgusting thing in my mouth, I swear I will bite it off!!! Listen, I'm not scared of you anymore. I hate your gutes. So unless if you want me to kick your ass again, then I suggest you keep your distance from me.
Xavier: You better listen. You game is over. Now I suggest you do as I say before you dig yourself in a deeper hole...
Jeremy: Okay, that's enough!
Cathryn: (ignore Jeremy) The way I see it, you're already in a deep whole for making my life a living hell. I have nothing to worry about.
Xavier: We'll see about that. (grabs my arms, pulling me closer to him, and kisses me. I bite his tounge, and he stops kissing me yelling out in pain) OOOW!!! You little fucking bitch!
(Xavier slaps me hard across my face, I hold my scream in, trying not to cry, because I want to show him that I'm stronger than him. I spit in his face. Before Xavier could slap me again Jeremy grabs his hand)
Jeremy: Don't you dare fuckin hit my sister again!!! (pulling me apart from Xavier to make him let me go) Let her go! (Xavier lets me go.Jeremy holds me in his arms pulling me far back from Xavier. He tilts my chin up, checking my right cheek) Cat, are you okay?
Cathryn: (sobbing from trying to hold in the pain) I guess.
James: (taps Xavier shoulder) Hey Xavier,
Xavier: (turns around to face James) What!?
James: Never touch my girl again!
Xavier: Ha, or what? (James punches Xavier in the jaw) AAAAAHHH!!! SHIT!
James: Or next time, it will be my foot up your ass!
Jeremy: (steps infront of me, blocking me from Xavier) Plus mine.I never want to see you hurt my sister ever again!
Xavier: Jeremy, come on. I thought we were cool.
Jeremy: Sorry, but you went to far. You need to leave. Now!
Xavier: Fine. Whatever.
(Jeremy opens the door,and Xavier grabs his bags and leaves.)
I LOVE my fans. Thank you so much for reading my story. xox

Last edited by KittyCat91; 07-21-2012 at 04:57 PM.
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