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Old 06-26-2012, 07:26 PM   #38
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Default Part 4: The Truth Comes Out

Many thanks to Komodo Jones for doing all of the corrections and making this readable!

Thanks PerfectlyImperfect, wedgiegirl290, Maleslave21, slutjuice, em52388, Slavegirlx, kinamar, and Pewdie for the feedback on Part 3!
It All Started With An E-mail
Part 4: The Truth Comes Out

Dear Sarah,

You have another Master? Well this is going to be fun because now you're gonna have two. The first thing I want you to do is lift up your dress so you're sitting bare bottom on the bus seat. Then, you have until we get to your stop to make yourself orgasm, but you can't touch your body at anytime. If you fail, you will get a punishment which I will e-mail to you later tonight. I really hope you can orgasm without your hands, because you will not like your punishment if you don't.

Love, your Master

Sarah was stunned. Then Sarah realized what she had to do. Sarah slowly lifted up her dress so she was sitting bare bottomed. Sarah looked out the window and realized that she had about five minutes until she was at her stop. Sarah started rubbing her clit on the seat going faster and faster with each passing moment. Then the bus driver, Nora, called her name.

"Sarah! It's your stop! Time to get off!" Nora yelled to her.

"Okay Nora! I'm coming!" Sarah yelled to her as she got up. "Bye Justin," Sarah said nervously.

"Bye Sarah. I'll be e-mailing you later." Justin told her, smirking.

"Bye Nora!" Sarah said as she got off the bus.

When Sarah got home she yelled to her mom, "MOM!!! I'M HOME!"

"Okay sweetie. Supper will be at five like usual," Sarah's mom said back.

Sarah looked at her watch. It was 3:28. "I have an hour and 32 minutes until supper. What should I do?" Sarah thinks to herself. "Oh crap. I have a punishment waiting. I wonder if my Master has sent it." Sarah worried.

Sarah ran up the stairs to her room. After she closed her door and threw her school bag on her bed, she turned on her computer and checked her e-mail. She saw another e-mail from [email protected] and opened it. It read,

Dear Sarah.

Your Master is very angry with you. Not only did you not complete the task I set for you, but you also broke the first rule I set for you saying that you may not tell anybody about our relationship. Now who did you tell you may ask? You told Justin, or me, but you didn't know it was me at the time. Even if you were supposed to tell the truth, you should have lied, but you didn't so you will get a punishment for that. You will also get a punishment for not completing the task I set for you on the bus. I mean, it's super easy to get an orgasm without touching yourself. Anyway, it is time for you to learn that you do not disobey your Master and to do everything that is asked of you. I have two tasks for you to do. They are,

1) E-mail me back in one e-mail stating all the rules I have set for you and what you think the punishment should be for breaking them.

2) E-mail me in a different e-mail stating what you think should be the two punishments that you should get for your disobedience. Make sure you are really specific.

I will be expecting two e-mails from you in two hours. If they are not here in two hours, you will be getting a punishment for every hour that they are late.

Just so you know, I am very strict. I don't take rule breaking easily. You will get severely punished for every rule that you break.

Love, your Master

Sarah read the e-mail over three times to make sure she read right. "John isn't my Master? Justin is? I was not expecting this!" Sarah thought to herself. She then checked to see what time the e-mail was sent. It was sent at 3:25. That means she had until 5:25 to send them. The time now was 3:35. She had an hour and 25 minutes until supper. Sarah realized that she had plenty of time until supper so she forgot about them and went on Facebook. Her crush was online! His name was Joey. She started chatting with him.

"Hey," Sarah typed.

"Hey," Joey typed back.

"What's up?" Sarah asked him.

"Not much. You?" Joey responded back a few minutes later.

"Not much. I'm bored." Sarah told him.

"So am I. Hey, Sarah? I can trust you right?" Joey asked her.

"Yes. Of course you can. What's up Joey?" Sarah said back, worried.

"Well, I like this girl, but I don't know how to tell her that I do. I really like her and I think she likes me. I've had a huge crush on her since the seventh grade," Joey typed back ten minutes later.

"Awwwww! That's soooooooooo sweet! Who is it?" Sarah typed back really fast.

"Well, I don't know how to put this." Joey typed back.

"Just say it. I won't tell anyone. I promise." Sarah said back, confidently.

"Well, it's you." Joey typed back really fast, then he went offline right away.

"Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!" Sarah screamed. "Joey likes me! Joey likes me! I'm my crush’s crush!" She yelled again.

Next thing she knew, her mom yelled for her.

"SARAH! SARAH! TIME FOR SUPPER!" Her mom yelled.

"COMING MOM!" Sarah yelled back, forgetting about the e-mails she was supposed to write in her excitement.

Will Sarah remember before it's too late?
Will Sarah and Joey start dating?
What kind of punishments will Sarah get and how many?
Keep reading 'It All Started With An E-mail' to find out!

~REMEMBER: Green=Justin and Red=Sarah~
PM me dares! I will try any dare that gets sent that doesn't have anything to do with any of my limits!

I need help figuring out my likes, dislikes and some limits! Dare me!

Likes: Mouth soaping, writing lines, spanking, anal, slight pain, certain public things
Dislikes: ???
Limits: Certain public things, permanent, major pain, any type of sex, family, friends

If you think I deserve a punishment for not updating my story, punish me.
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