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Old 06-22-2012, 06:40 AM   #61
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3
Band-Aid Thank you...

I'm speechless (almost). Most of my life I have been in the closet, so to speak, and everytime I have opened that door a little I have only seen things that said to me: this is not true, this is not right, this is fake and this is not me. I have only been on this sight a couple of days and unfortunately have had those same thoughts here. I probably would have left in a day or so, maybe still will. Of all the things I've seen and read your comments come closest to what I believe is the real essence of these type of relationships.

The greatest fear I have with the internet is the massive amounts of misinformation that are fed to us since its inception for the sake of profit. I believe this is the reason we need to examine our beliefs and possibly our mistakes. Sorry Im rambling.

Thank you for you guidance.

Eternal likes: respect, integrity, honor, honesty, compassion and love.
Eternal dislikes: pride, arogance and hypocrisy

Let's be real. (?)
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