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Old 06-10-2008, 06:04 PM   #13
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 48
Blog Entries: 1

1. Age - 27
2. Gender - M
3. Penis size / Bra size - 5.5inches
4. Height - 5'11"
5. Weight - 230, trying to lose it, hoping for 175.
6. How often do you masturbate? About 4-5 days aw eek.
7. Ever masturbated in an unusual place? i.e. parents bedroom, car park etc - parents bedroom, moving vehicle (while driving), school, cousins bedroom
8. Ever had anything anally? i.e. finger, dildo, butt plug etc - fingers, pen, screwdriver handle, various other objects
8a. If yes, did you enjoy it? - It's interesting and different to try, wouldn't say really enjoy it though. Although, not off limits.
9. Ever had any homosexual thoughts? - One or two in junior high.
10. Ever experimented with anyone of the same sex? - No.
11. What's your secret fetish? - Lots, cbt, feet, too many to name.
12. Ever tasted your own cum? - Yes
12a. What did it taste like? - I don't know if it's really describable, not bad, just different.
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