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Old 05-22-2012, 10:29 PM   #281
KittyCat91's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Never Neverland. Second star to the right,& straight on til morning XD
Posts: 95
Default Chapter 18 pt.2

I run out of Jeremy's bed room, now in the living room. I see James sitting on the couch, only in his boxers, and still handcuffed behinde his back. I run over to him and hug him.

Cathryn: James, I'm so sorry about all of this. (I see the keys to the handcuffs on the coffee talbe, and unhandcuff James)

James: It's okay. (kisses me) I love you.

Cathryn: I love you too. (I kiss him back)

James: Are you okay?

Cathryn: Yeah, I'm fine.

Xavier: (still in pain leaining against the wall in the hall way to keep himself up) Come here you..(still trying to clear his that from when I kicked him) you little bitch!

James: What did you do?

Cathryn: Lets just say... Sing kicked his ass this time.

James: (chuckling) That's my girl.

Cathryn: So where's Jeremy and Kaiden?

James: At the front door. Someone is here.

Cathryn: (sees Xavier getting closer to the living room) I'm going to go get Kaiden, be right back.

James: Okay.

I run to the front door. I see Zacarie talking to Jeremy and Kaiden.

Cathryn: Zac! (I run to Zacarie, and hugg him)

Zacarie: Cathyn (hugs me tight) are you okay.

Cathryn: Yeah. Well sort of. I'am for now.

Jeremy: Cathryn Annabell! (grabs a lock of my hair pulling me away from Zacarie) What in the hell do you think your doing!? (turns me around to meet his face)

Cathryn; Jeremy, I...I..I''m really sorry.

Jeremy: (ignores my apology) How did you get out of my closet?

Cathryn: I kicked Xavier's ass! I'am a lot stronger than him now.

Jeremy: (ignoring my comment) Tell Zacarie what you said to me. (grabs my shoulder, spining me back around to meet Zacarie's face)

Cathryn: I... I...

Jeremy: Go on. Tell him why I'm having to punish you.

Cathryn; (I'm really embarrassed) I said that... you're more like a brother to me... than Jeremy is. (I look down at the floor in shame)

Jeremy: (sighs in anger) Hold her. (gives me to Kaiden, he gently holds my left arm)

Cathryn: (mummbles) Right now even Kaiden would make a better brother...

Jeremy: What the hell did you just say?

Cathryn: (trying to change the subject) I...I'm really sorry.

Jeremy: You will be!

Zacarie: You know, maybe she sees me as a better brother because I don't hit her.

Jeremy: That's none of your fucking buisness! She shares my DNA. She is my baby sister!!! Not your's!

Zacarie: Look man, I just came here to talk to you. Give you ideas to punish Cat with out physically hurting her.

Jeremy: The way I punish her is non of your consern. Anyway, I'm not hurting her. (Comes over to me, grabs my chin,and lift my face to meet his) I'm not hurting you, am'I Cat? (I don't answer, and try to look away, but he puts it back infront of his) Cathryn, do I hurt you?

Cathryn: (getting the clue that Jeremy was telling me to lie) (He lets go of my chin, and stands back infront of Zacarie)

Jeremy: Besides. Like I said, the way I punish MY SISTER, is non of your buisness. And sometimes for her to learn right from wrong, I have to physically hurt her, in order to get the message through her head.
Now I suggest that you leave, unless you want to join in.

Zacarie: (mummbles) Whatever. (elbows Jeremy, to walk pass him, and come satand next to me, holding my right hand) Cat, would you like to stay with me until your brother cools down?

Cathryn: (I really wanted too,but I didn't want to leave James behind) I...(just as I was about to answer Jeremy inturrupts me)

Jeremy: She's grouded for 6 months, and in isolation for 2 week, thinking about making it 3. She's not going anywhere for awhile, espacially with you.

Zacarie: I was asking Cathryn, not you!

Jeremy: That's it! (stands in between Zacarie and I. He grabs my right hand, pulling it away from Zacarie's, and having Kaiden pull me further away from him.) Kaiden, take her in the living room.

Cathryn: No...(catching my words, not knowing the right exact words to say without getting into more trouble) But...I..

Jeremy: But nothing. You're now also grounded from seeing Zacarie, until I decide when you can see him again.

Zacarie: You can't do that, she's my best friend!

Jeremy: Too late, cause looks like I just did. Now I want you out of my house before you start making things worse.

Zacarie: Whatever. This isn't over, I will be back. Because we relly need to talk about this.

Jeremy: There's nothing to talk about. (grabs Zacarie by the sleve of his shirt, and pushes him out the door) Now bye. (closes the door, and locks Zacarie out)
I LOVE my fans. Thank you so much for reading my story. xox
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