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Old 05-20-2012, 01:11 PM   #52
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Default European Road Trip

I did a bit of a road trip for 3 weeks around Europe earlier in the year. I didnīt actually get as many dares done as I expected (I had 3 friends in the car who didnīt know of my liking for dares and I didnīt want them to find out). Iīve included brief reports of what I got up to below.

I undertook my first dare around midday in a small town in the French Alps. I stripped off in a small square and posed for a photo near a fountain (using the self timer). I donīt think anyone was around to see me so it was quite uneventful.

I then did a similar thing in another town (again during the day). This time however I dumped my clothes and walked along a street for maybe 100m before I came to the square. There were several cars parked in the square (and houses all around). Whilst I was walking along the street there was one older lady reading on her balcony who saw me and called someone else out to look (her daughter maybe?). Again I posed for a photo in the square but I donīt think anyone saw, just as I was leaving the square an old lady walked into though. I obviously had to walk back along the street to my clothes and the woman on the balcony was still there and watched me walk past!

My other dare in France was when I pulled up on the side of a īmain roadī (still not hugely busy as was in the French Alps) in the middle of the day. There was a side road off it that led diagonally up to a small town - this road actually had a fair bit of traffic whilst I was there. I stripped off my clothes, leaving them on top of a postbox, and walked along the main road for about 50 metres. During this time no cars came past which was good as there was nowhere to hide! I then cut up a small path that connected with the diagonal road after a couple of minutes (I had to walk past a couple of houses whilst on this path). When I came to the diagonal road I had to stop and hide in the path for a few minutes as several vehicles came up or down the road in quick succession. Was pretty nervous about getting back to my clothes now as again nowhere to really hide and there seemed to be a lot of cars about. When the coast looked clear I took off at a run and managed to get back to my clothes without being seen!

At another town in France I very nearly walked into a small supermarket type shop naked to buy something. However, I scouted the place out first and there was a kid helping the woman who ran the place so I decided not to. A similar thing also happened in Italy - there were two women that worked in this store and I kept meaning to go in and buy something naked but there was always a customer in there (I sat outside for a couple of hours watching) and for some reason this kept putting me off.

The final dare I remember doing was in a small Italian town. I stripped off (again during the day) and walked through these narrow streets (houses on either side) naked for about 5 minutes before returning to my clothes. I donīt think anyone saw but a car did pull out of a road infront of me at one point but drove away from me.
Likes: Bondage, moderate pain, public and semi-public (more with a high risk of getting caught but not certainty), blindfolds and gags

Maybes: Anal, friends

Limits: Family, scat, watersports

Check out my dare diary at
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