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Old 05-24-2008, 08:44 AM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 277

Sorry for the delay in getting Part 3 on here, and a huge thank you again for all the comments and support I’ve had so far.
This part is a bit shorter due to time constraints this week, but should keep you occupied for a short time…

Part III

Having agreed to take the dare to only ask for dares for the duration of the game, I decided it was time to get some serious revenge on my next victim…
“Bex, Truth or Dare ?”
“Truth” came the somewhat unexpected response – the way the game was going I was assuming that everyone would be doing dares for a whilst. Nevertheless, I came up with an interesting question, and I though I’d push the boat out here.
“If you had to give oral sex to one of the girls here, which one would you choose ?” I asked, feeling fairly happy with myself and anticipating what answer she would come up with.
“Hmmmm, that’s really tough,” she said, “I love them all so much, but if I had to choose just one, I’d pick… Sarah !”
The thought of Bex giving oral pleasure to my younger sister was vivid in my mind, and I found myself feeling guilty that this turned me on so much. I’d also picked up on some things that Bex had said during her answer… “I love them all” and “If I had to choose JUST one”. This made my head swirl even more with what these girls got up to in their spare time.
“Ok Steve, I’m coming straight back to you now,” Bex said, with a big grin.
I tried disputing the fact that I had just recently taken a dare, but my sister pointed out that there was nothing in the rules that prevented this taking place. Just to prove the point though, she asked the other girls whether this should be allowed to which a unanimous response of “yes” came back. I was beginning to realise that I was, what it technically known as, “stuffed !”
“I dare you to… strip naked for the rest of the game.” Bex said with a big grin.
I gulped, and although I realised from the beginning of the game that this was a possibility, I thought it would have been under different, slightly fairer circumstances. The command ran through my head again, almost in slow motion – I was being asked to strip naked… in front of four 12 & 13 year old girls… one of which was my younger sister !!!
I turned to my sister, desperately looking for some support, but was just greeted by a big smile anticipating what was about to happen.
I tried to reason with the girls by suggesting that if I do this, we could quit the game afterwards, but they pointed out that we had all agreed to the rules beforehand, and that included playing until midnight – and that no one could drop out !
Trying to be honourable in defeat, I stood up and began removing my clothes. Off came the T-Shirt to a round of cheers from the girls. Next I removed my socks, then unbuckled my belt. I considered taking off both my jeans and underwear in one quick action to get the humiliation out of the way quickly, but I realised that the longer I dragged this out, just maybe, the less time we’d have to do other dares. I lowered my jeans past my knees, down to my ankles and stepped out of them. It didn’t go unnoticed by the girls that I had an erection that was tenting out my boxer shorts, and again I received a round of applause and cheers – my second of the evening !
I tried acting brave and made some bravado comments – something like “I hope you’re ready for this girls” – but the group clearly detected that I was nervous and embarrassed, and just chanted “Off, Off, Off”.
I slowly lowered and removed my boxer shorts, leaving me totally naked and sporting an averaged size erection in front of my sister and her friends.

To Be Continued…
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