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Old 04-21-2012, 07:51 PM   #159
JustAGuy's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Canada
Posts: 66
Blog Entries: 2

Are you a boy or a girl?

How old are you?

Are you straight, bi or gay?

Do you enjoy anal? If so, state how.

Do you enjoy bondage? If so, state how.
Only in the context of humiliation and it'd have to be mild (like basic restraining of the body in order to be displayed or made subserviant to someone else)

Do you enjoy spanking? If so, state how.
Yes, but only as a penalty for losing a dare/bet/contest/etc.

Do you enjoy being embarrassed or humiliated? If so, state how.
Psychologically, primarily. The more intimate the question I'm asked, the more aroused I get. For example a question like "how old are you?" isn't is arousing as "what's your most commonly used password" or "whats you're real name?"

Have you ever had sex before? If so, how many times?
Yes. Many.

Most amount of sexual partners?
2 with actual intercourse, 2 others that had things like oral and touching but no intercourse

How often do you masturbate?
About once a week or so.

What do you usually masturbate to, and how?
Depending on how much privacy I have, I'll masturbate to videos or photos of superheroines getting defeated, stripped and unmasked, or I'll masturbate in the shower to fantasies of me being exposed and humiliated for someone else's enjoyment.

How many pairs of underwear do you own?
A lot, more than 10.

What's your favorite style of underwear?

Are you wearing underwear, and if so what kind are you wearing right now?
Yes. Boxer-briefs

Describe your dream partner.
Someone who is a loner, would give me my space, and would play erotic games that might result in one or both of us exposed on cam to strangers.

For the ladies; what is your bra size. For the gentlemen, what's the size of your penis?
4.5" when erect

What is your favorite color?

What kind of lingerie do you own?
Briefs and boxer-briefs

What kind of sexual toys do you have?

Longest orgasm you have ever had?
Maybe 30 seconds tops

Kinkiest thing you've ever done in public?
Nude in car in a parking lot rubbing genitals against eachother...caught by campus security

Most humiliated you've ever felt?
The first time I lost a contest and had to get nude on cam and then show my real face and tell my real name.

Would you be willing to have sex with someone for money?

Would you have sex on camera?

Have you ever posted a naked picture of yourself on camera?

Would you be willing to be a master/mistress?

Have you ever wanted a master/mistress?

Ever worn the opposite gender's clothing?
Yes, but only for the purposes of humiliation.

Ever stolen anything?
Aside from movies, music, tv shows and books online, no.

Weirdest thing you find attractive?
The following scenario: a robin hood-esque hero/heroine (or villain/villainess) being captured, led to the gallows and then surrendering and revealing all their secrets just before their head is put into the noose. Dark I know, but the arousal stops before the's that moment of pure defeat that's a turn-on.
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