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Old 03-02-2012, 08:31 PM   #29
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Hey all. This next part of the story is in the point of view of Jarred not Brad anymore.

(brads POV) I was looking out the car window staring at the rain when the sounds of car horns and scratching tires took over time seemed to go into slow motion as I saw headlights and a car coming straight at my side of the bus, I pushed Jarred against his seat to try brace him for impact....


All I could hear were screams coach yelling out to everyone, the team was all yelling out to each other and running out of the bus all sore and some bleeding. Coach was yelling everyone’s name and that's when I noticed brad wasn’t out yet, I remember him holding his arm on my chest to brace me but he wasn’t out of the bus.
I panicked and ran towards the bus and was tackled by coach, I kicked and punched yelling brad was trapped on there but he kept saying it wasn’t safe to go on. I screamed and cried and punched and kicked. Beau and Aaron ran to me and coach let go of me so Aaron could hug me and help but I ducked under his arms and ran onto the bus.
I felt a pain on my leg but kept going, I found my seat and that's when I first saw brad he was a mess, his arm was bent the wrong way, probably from him saving my life, his eyes were closed and he was covered in blood. I tried to feel for a pulse but I was shaking and crying and couldn't tell if I felt anything. Aaron had chased me onto the bus and just stood there in shock, I yelled at him to help brad but he couldn't, he ran off crying and threw up. Coach got unto the bus and tried making me get off but I refused to leave not until the emergency crew got here I couldn’t control myself I was crying harder then I ever have before, screaming to no one, only stopping to breath in. I took brads limp hand and held it telling him over and over that I love him and that he can't die, that's when I first looked down and saw all the blood on the floor I screamed thinking it was brads and was actually relieved to see that my leg was cut open and the blood was mine. I knew this was bad for me but I didn't care I just wanted brad to be ok.

Just then the sirens rang and I tried to stand to walk out of the bus but it hurt too much, coach carried me as I yelled again to brad that I love him and he can't die. The ambulance officer rushed to me and I yelled demanding the help brad before me. One ran onto the bus and the one that helped me got abused for not doing the same as the first officer. I held pressure in my wound and the officer said he would help brad only if I promised not to pass out.
Well I couldn't keep my end of the deal and slowly started to drift off, I remember lights and lying staring at a roof and then bright lights again then nothing until now. I just woke up, laying in a hospital bed in an empty room I tried to get out of bed but had trouble putting pressure on my right leg without pain so I sat on the edge of my bed trying to figure everything out and that's when I thought of brad. How could it take me this long to remember was all I could think, I was so angry at myself and started to cry again, I had to go find him. He had to be alive I'd feel it if he wasn’t.. Wouldn't I?.. I got out of bed ignoring the pain and walked around the room I was in. Nothing, no one else here. I left the room and walked into the next one. Someone I'd never met, I went into 4 more rooms to find no sign of brad I walked to the desk where the nurse was chatting away to another nurse or doctor about some guy named John dating Sarah, I couldn't take it, I screamed, "CAN SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME"
HI <3 I am male! -.-

I'm Bi!, You're the one thats confused

Check out my story <3 What a trip.. [M/M] and let me know what you think

<3 Jonnor <3
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