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Old 04-27-2008, 10:15 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by naughty_chloe View Post
Okay John I admit that my reply was kinda cynical maybe but it wasn't directed on you personally I think I was responding from a getDare female member standpoint here as we are very sollicited to send/provide pics. Some use "subtle" hints in their sig, some others even go as far as to PM girls with stuff like "Can I have a pic of your pussy?" (Yeah, I've received those...)

As far as the "proof" part is concerned I am maybe not the best judge as far as dares & TorD are concerned as I'm more involved with the D/s community of this board. But from this standpoint I can tell that as much as "proof" maybe important, trust is just as much. When I seeked for Master I received a countless number of replies with the 1st question being : Do you have a camera? I never lied about having one when I got it but why should I send very private things from the get-go? So if that applies in a M/s relationship, when it involves only 2 persons then imagine posting... Again, not directed to you personally but this whole "I want proof" stuff is being used profusely & the majority of those saying it don't want proof, they want skin... Let's face it, really...

So yeah my response was more general than only to you as I would have used PM if it would have been the case
*phew*. Glad to clear the air on that one. Definitely took it to be directed to me at the time as I'm the only one that seems to be fighting for it right now, LOL (and no, I won't ask for proof that it wasn't directed at me :-P). I see where you're coming from for *most* people . . . but for me, it's all about the actual proof . . . never about the skin. Like someone else said on here it's a combo of the 2 (the psychology of it and actually knowing that they did it) that's the best part.

In terms of the D/s thing, it really is left up to the Dom/slave to work out their own arrangements. But it could also be expressed that yes I have a camera but at this point I'm not willing to share pictures of these types. Soft limit that can be talked about at a later point in time. If you noticed in my post I just put that I was looking for some verification of the tasks. Never once did I say "on day one I will be asking for nude pictures". In terms of "masters" out there we know the majority are just looking to get their rocks off and don't have a complete understanding of what this is about. But for me it really is about the proof.

As far as the warning part of it goes, it's easy: Put a disclaimer in the TOS that this may contain adult content if you're over 18+ and leave it at that. I'm not interested in breaking any laws or things with kids that young . . . in my opinion (with no offense) they really don't know enough and/or are mature enough ON A GENERAL LEVEL to be doing these kinds of things. (There are always exceptions to every rule, however the laws are there to protect the masses). In terms of the kids I already agreed with sum(1) that the only real way around this was to make it 18+. And you can disclaim it right in the forums before any posts.

There are ways around the whole uploading of content. Look at craigslist or some of these other blogs (eg: digg) places. They claim that the poster is soley responsible for their posts, and that they are merely providing the service to exchange the ideas, that the ideas or posts themselves do not in anyway represent them.

This is all moot depending on what Depp launches if anything. I'm just explaining merely where I'm coming from in terms of "pics or it didn't happen." I agree with the whole if I want porn, I can go to google or any number of porn blogs to see that. But for me it's about having the dares and having them done. If we were all playing in person we would be able to see ... to a degree.

This was written way past my bedtime in a 1/8 buzz stupor so don't mind me if I repeated myself or some of my grammar is off. I hope it makes sense and
so I really hope you understand where I coming from.

And if there was any doubt it your mind, my point exactly:

To avoid idiots like this moron who have nothing better to do with their time than waste mine.

Last edited by Dominantjohn; 04-27-2008 at 10:21 PM.
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