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Old 04-26-2008, 10:29 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by naughty_chloe View Post
You know this 'pics or it didn't happen' stuff irritates me. And I don't think those who use this argument in other sections are much different. If a person shares pics it should be because they want to & are comfortable with it & not because horny guys use that lame "I need proof" sentence & they then feel obliged to do it.

Dominantjohn, I'm not too sure why you're being so insistant about this whole picture thing but maybe you should re-read depp's reply below (especially the 1st sentence) & try to be patient.

I'm sorry that this irritates you. My argument to this is still the same . . . no one is forcing anyone to do anything here, it's there choice to post the pictures or not. If they are not comfortable doing it then they shouldn't. I'm not being insistant about anything. I'm merely arguing the "pro" side of the debate and this thread wasn't even started by me (well, indirectly it may have, but someone else asked my thoughts so I'm sharing them). Again, I'm not saying this needs to happen now or anything like that so I don't know where you're getting the whole insistant feeling from. I'm always for options, and if pics are another OPTION, then why not?

As far as the whole "having to" provide proof isn't that in essence of what a dare really is . . . to get people to do things they normally wouldn't do? No one is forcing anyone to do anything . . . the choice is always made up to the poster.

And it's not that I *need* proof, but I want it. I like knowing what's going on and I'm a visual person by nature. The fact is as of how it stands right now I'm denied that. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I was asked why so that's why I'm engaging in this at all.

From the moderator aspect:
People can't delete there own posts? Or at least edit to remove pictures?

Additionally if it was set up so that under 18's were only supposed to post "pg" pics what happens when one breaks the rules and posts something that's not meant to be posted. In that instance we find the site has broken rather a few laws, as has anyone who has looked at it, the poster themselves. And don't forget the poor mod whos job it'll be to patrol this part of the site.
And mark my words there would definatly be people who'd break the rules, you get enough breaking them actually asking for pics now, imagine if they were relaxed on this issue slightly.
Sum . . . I see your point here. I guess the only option would be to restrict posting of pictures of any kind to people over 18.

As far as the recent threads go . . . maybe have an option in the CP to allow pics or not. Then display them on that flag. (possibly even a dynamic hide?)

Anyway, I hope you realize that I'm merely responding to people's questions and trying to show a different view on things. I"m not in any way saying this is the way it has to be or that I demand it be this way now. I'm curious to see what Depp has come up with as an answer to this per his post.
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