Thread: Fiction: The Wolves
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Old 02-15-2012, 03:52 PM   #5
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Default chapter 3

I dodged the stares through breakfast wondering what Larry meant by his comment last night. I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew. I glanced over at the director who was talking with Cameron.

“I heard there was some commotion coming from your pod last night,” the director said.

“Yeah just the usual new kid on the block stuff,” Cameron said trying to defuse the situation.

“What happened,” she asked.

“I don’t really know,” Cameron said. “I walked in on Jeff Conner naked and a fish flopping in Louis Fisher’s bed. I made them all have a sit down and things should be better.”

“Sounds good,” the director said. “Just be sure to keep an eye out for more trouble.”

“Well the boys seemed to brush it off well and Jeff didn’t snap like I thought he would in that situation,” Cameron informed.

“That’s good maybe they are turning a corner,” the director said.

“Yeah three new kids in a month is quite excessive,” Cameron said. “I don’t think I have seen anything that bad.”

The rest of the day passed rather pedestrianly. I sat down to supper, it was even better than last night. There was fried catfish and potatoes.

“I see they made use of your lady friend Larry,” Bryan joked.

“Ha-ha very funny,” Larry shot back. “I’ll get you back just you wait Jack.”

“I’m shaking in my boots,” I said sarcastically.

“Last night was just the tip of the iceberg,” Larry said threateningly.

“There’s a reason we had room for you in our pod,” Jaaron said.

I began to get more apprehensive of what they had in mind. I knew that I had to keep up the front of being tough so they didn’t railroad me. I couldn’t let them see the fear in my eyes. I quickly turned my attention to the fish and savored the rare treat.

We sat down to our group therapy session after dinner. No one was very talkative but I had something to say.

“Cameron, I have changed my mind,” I said. “They can come back into the room.”

“Are you sure,” he asked. “What changed your mind?”

“Yeah it’s cool,” I said. “I just slept on it and I’m not really mad about it anymore.”

“Smart move Jacky,” Larry said.

“Well if you’re sure, I don’t mind,” Cameron said, surprised of the turn of events.

It wasn’t much longer and we were working on the homework assigned. Cameron turned out the lights and headed into his quarters. I rolled over on to my side to fall asleep when I heard some movement above me. Jaaron hopped down to the floor and crept towards the door. A few minutes later he whispered to Larry and Brady who followed him to the floor. I heard whispers in the next room and I quickly found myself overpowered.

“Jacky we would like to get to know you a little more,” Larry said. “What better than a good old fashion game of Truth or Dare?”

“I don’t think so,” I said trying to get out of it.

“I guess you misunderstood me,” Larry said. “We are going to play.”

The three guys drug me out of bed and into the lounge. They threw me in a chair and took positions around me.

“Alright Jack we’ll let you start,” Larry said. “Here are the rules. One, if you pick truth you get a truth from everyone. Two, if you fail to tell the truth or complete a dare you get a punishment from the person who gave it. The other two people will decide if the punishment is too harsh. Sound good?”

“I guess I don’t have much choice do I,” I questioned.

“That’s the spirit,” Larry said. “Who’s the first victim?”

“You’ll do,” I said. “Truth or dare?”

“I’ll be daring, dare me,” he said.

Thoughts raced through my mind; what do I dare him? How much is too much? How little do I go before I’m a wussy.

“Okay I dare you to give yourself a wedgie,” I said unsure of my decision.

“Is that all,” he replied. “Man guys this will be easier than I thought.”

He quickly stood up and jerked his boxers up and sat back down. Then in a turn of events I didn’t expect he came right back at me.

“Jacky boy, truth or dare,” Larry said.

“What, you can’t do that,” I protested.

“I said no such thing,” Larry said. “You agreed to the rules, now truth or dare?”

This would be worse than I thought. I didn’t want to take three truths but I was scared of the prospects of a dare.

“Truth,” I said reluctantly.

“We have a little bitch,” Larry taunted. “Alright, you said you had a girlfriend, how far’d you get with her?”

“Not far really just kissing mainly,” I said.

“Bullshit,” Larry said laughing.

“What,” I asked. “I haven’t seen her in two years,” I was 14 at the time.”

“Okay, okay,” Bryan said. “What did you do to get in here?”

“Nothing really, my lawyer set it up,” I said.

“Okay, my turn,” Jaaron said. “Is your girlfriend hot?”

“I guess, she’s got a nice look to her,” I said. “So Bryan truth or dare?”

“Dare me,” he said.

Thinking back to Larry’s reaction I decided to up the stakes a little bit.

“Okay, I dare you to wear you boxers on your head the rest of the night,” I

“Whoa now we’re getting serious,” Bryan said as he complied with the dare.

“Jack truth or dare?”

“You know I am getting tired of this,” I complained. “Dare me.”

“Okay I dare you to…”
Check out my story The Wolves
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