Thread: Non-Fiction: First Annual Summer Camp
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Old 02-12-2012, 11:25 AM   #18
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Sport Football Friday - Part 2/2

Day 6 - Friday

Part 2 of 2

By the time I finally did get out of the lake (I was very sore and annoyed at this point), most girls had already started their beer mile (in our case it was just a drink mile, and usually it should consist of 5 laps, but we just did 4). Some girls were already on there 3rd lap. A lot of people usually throw up as they run a beer mile, which is common from the running and drinking, I think most girls at the camp did too. I thought I would be able to catch up time on my beer mile, which after my first 2 laps I did, but after a lot of the girls realized that I had gained ground, they once again got really physical, and I just couldn't keep up. I fell back into second last by the end. I pretty much knocked out the last place girl. There was me and three other girls running at pace, and they were all pushing me and shoving me, and I swong at one of them and knocked her off her feet. I did feel bad but I was extreamly pissed off at this point.

I thought I might be able to still beat out the last 6 places by the time I got to the "ride" though, because there were still about 12 girls there when I got there. I hoped on this guy, I can't even remember who at this point, I was so disheveled, and flustered I can't even remember... that's not a good sign. Anyways, as I said before, I was doomed to fail before I even began. Girls were pulling me off him, and before I knew it, it was done and I had been final 6.

The next part was a game of volleyball, 3 on 3. Which I was EXTREMELY relieved to hear about, because I play a lot of beach ball, and am really good at it. The match was to be best of 3 games, games to 21. I knew that I was going to be safe now. Well so I thought. What I didn't realize is that everyone had been talking about this prior a lot, and they were all (or atleast the girls remaining) commited to me lossing. Now I know I'm good at beach, but playing 3 v 1 is not fair. When you're teammates miss the ball on purpose, it's actually WORSE than playing as 1, I would have PREFFERED if they had just stood off the court! ARGDDSKLjfasdlhfaksjdf! But alas! They had wanted our team to lose, and they succeeded. I had managed to score some points playing by myself. Actually I played pretty good, considering the circumstances, but not good enough to win, and me and my two shit ass team mates were all that was left, moving on.

The final competition, and for some reason, always the guys' favourite, was another wrestling competition. The first person to cum would be the loser and have to face the consequences (which I'll explain shortly) and everyone else would go scott free. By this point, I was actually crying again. It sucks when everyone teams up on you. Before the wrestling match, Cass and Steff sat me down and told me what they had heard, that the two girls were going to of course team up on me, and that I should just prepare myself mentally for losing. Considering that I knew what the punishment was, I just broke down even further.

So the fight came, and the part that every guy loved, the oiling up of the contestants. This match, me and the two girls oiled eachother up, because it was an advantage for you to rub oil on the other person, anything to get them hotter and wetter. (It wasn't traditioinal wrestling, where you have to do holds, well there were some holds, but the point was to get someone off). So the 5 minutes that they had to oil me up as well, they definately used to there advantage, because as sad as I was, being rubbed with oil and massaged and touched, is just something that gets me super hot! PLUS them whispering dirty things in my ear didn't help either.

Well, you know what happened. Of course they double teamed me, and actually, I DID almost win at one point, when I was fighting back I managed to mount one of the girls and start licking her, and her thighs were squeezing my head as she was ever so close to cumming, when I was finally pulled off, and from there it was all down hill for me. I came and was the loser for that night, which I was honestly at the time, scared to absolute death about! I don't think, honestly, I had ever bawled so hard after that fight. Maybe at the end of this night I bawled harder. By the way, to cum, when you know that if you do, a lot of bad things are going to happen, is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It's so bitter sweet, that it feels so good, but you hate it while it's happening because you know only bad things are going to follow because of it.

Pick the losing guy came next, and I was allowed to introduce my favourite challenege to them (I guess a sort of consolation prize for losing). Knowing what my punishment for the night was, I had all the guys get oiled up, and then there competition was to do a circle suck (like a circle jerk, but with their mouths instead of hands). In hind site, it wasn't a good idea to piss them off my making them suck eachothers cocks, but that was my only little pleasure of that evening. The last guy to make a guy cum, lost. In the end, a guy named Mike lost, and I'll explain his part in a bit.

OK so now the punishment. Like I said, everyone had wanted to be with me because a) I hadn't been with anyone yet, and possibly b) because I wasn't on the pill, which is why I was scared sh*tless at the time. The punishment was that all the guys were to take a viagra (I later found out that some had taken 2, and one guy took 3, which is like REALLY?!?! WTF?!?!) My part was, that I had to continuously please them until there stiffy went soft. It was about 9 at night by now, so how it worked was we layed out blankets and pillows on the grass, and I wasn't even tied down, because they said they wanted me to be very agile and moveable, and to be able to get to all parts of me. I was to lie on the blankets and pillows, and I would please all of them (well they took turns), and once soft they would be removed from the "party".

Now where Mike fell into all this, is he was to be my 'clean up' after all of this. He DID get to partake in the other, but after it was ALL done, I had him as a slave for I think it was something like 12 hours to help me recover.

At the time I was devastated, but now recalling it, knowing that everything turned out fine...

NOOOOO PREGOOOO MEEE!!! YAYAYAYAYAY frustrated as I was, it doesn't make me upset anymore.

So like I said, everyone had taken a b-pill and some more, and I was left trying to shrink dinks. Every guy there came in my pussy! My number before the camp was 11, and then I had slept with by this point all 25 guys, so thats 36, but then Jay and 6 other guys that were at the camp I had already hooked up with before, so 29! My new number after the camp was 29! Actually to this day of me writting this, my number is still 29. I kind of went off guys after the camp (just to recover), and well I guess, no new guys have come along, so ya my number is still 29. Gawd, that's high when I say it outloud. Ummm hmm, where was I, ooo boners. Right, so all 25 guys from the camp f*cked me that night on viagras, including Matt and Jay. They were definately having fun with everyone else. After a while, I was almost able to block out of my mind that I wasn't on the pill and that all these guys were shooting inside of me, and that anyone could soon be a baby's father of mine. When I was kind of able to, I actually did have a little bit of odd fun. Like most of the time I didn't just have one cock inside of me. If I was being banged, then I also had someone in my mouth. Some of what I can remember, from the nights comotions, were when a guy was lying down with me facing up on top of him (him in my behind), and another guy on top of my and in my vag, and then me sucking a third guy, and even having a fourth guy in my hand. That was weird fun. But I pretty much got cum in every hole by every guy by the end of the night. One guy had even come in my nose and another in my ear, which really sucked, and at the time made me cry again. A lot of guys kept cumming in me and telling me how they were gonna be dad's now!

After what honestly felt like an entire week, but was apparantly only like 5 hours, by 2 in the morning, the last guy had gone kinda soft (Mitch had take 3 f*ckin viagras, like he should be dead, shouldnt he?). So after Mitch was like semi, he had had enough and walked away as I was just literally in shambles on the blankets, with pillows scattered everywhere, I just broke down and cried again. I did't even think about it at the time, because I was to preoccupied with my no pill situation, but I had my numbers jump from 11 to 29, and my anal numbers from 2 to 26 that week, which when I realized later made me bawl even more. (Ya I told you, I was a wreck that night).

Mike did clean me after wards, he licked all the sweat and cum off of me, and I kinda just laid there. I fell asleep that night under the stars, next to Mike actually, and we cuddled, which was nice after what I had just did.

So thus ends day 6, AKA worst day of my life! My numbers 7 months later are still the exact same. Which doesn't mean I have gone celibit. No, just haven't been with new guys. If the right guy comes a long, than a number is just a number. I did however after the camp take some time off of guys and I guess just sex for a bit. I was extreamly sore after the camp, and very affraid (after I got everything checked out) that I was getting kinda loose too. So I did A LOT of specific target muscle exercises to tighten up all orfaces, over the months following, and still do some occasionally now, but from what I can tell, just the lack of mass use (so natural tightening), and lots of exercise, I have tightened things up to pre camp levels, hopefully (I did a SH*T load of target exercises daily, for months)! But yes, I'm fine, no baby or anything, and I had a full check up after the camp and I'm extreamly healthy!

Anyways, that's the end of day 6. Hope you're not completely scared of me yet.
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