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Old 02-11-2012, 09:47 AM   #30
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since it seems I can't edit my last post for some reason I'll continue with a new one...

120208 day 1: just started. Did a quick 1 just after midnight and another 1 in the morning and went to work. Got back home and managed another 4 before midnight. 6/21

120209 day 2: managed 2 more before sleep. Overslept a bit so I only did 1 in the morning. Did 5 more this evening. 8/36

120210 day 3: 1 more before bed 1 more in bed 1 after waking 2 during extended 'lunch brake' in the evening I managed 3 8/36

cumulative total after three days: 22 or 93 points.

After three days what strikes me is how much one looses the will to masturbate or have sex. It really becomes a chore. Also it is clear to me that my day planning is the biggest obstacle not the actual achieving of orgasm. I will continue for another 4 days but expect my rates to drop because during the weekend and the coming week I will have significantly less opportunities to get off.

120211 day 4: 1 in the morning and another quick 1 in the afternoon. 2/3

120212 day 5: managed 1 in the morning rest of the day will be spent with family 1 more before bed 2/3

120213 day 6: again 1 before bed and 1 after rising in the evening I managed 2 4/10

120214 day 7: I could just do 1 in the morning and managed a final 3 this evening 4/10

final cumulative total: 34 or 119 points

Well that was interesting. Although the last four days I wasn't able to put in a lot of time. I think a may try this again at some point in the future. I'll certainly be going for shorter time spans than 7 days though. For any serious effort I don't have the free time to sustain maximum output for long
playing mostly offline but looking for fun every now and then

Recently most interested in exposure play and black mail scenes. There is a wide range of options so if you find it exciting but also have inhibitions we can talk options.

Last edited by RST; 02-14-2012 at 04:48 PM.
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