Thread: Male DICE TRUTH
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Old 01-29-2012, 12:28 AM   #86
bigheyrat's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 81
Blog Entries: 2

What color is your hair?black
What color are your eyes?black
What's your operating system(Windows 95, Mac OSX?)?windows7

Who's your favorite actor/actress? negar foruzande
What's your favorite movie? invisible

What kind of underwear are you wearing? panties(i love to crossdress)

Wat's your sexuality?straight
Do you have an erection right now?yes
What city do you live in (I don't need country or state, just a city)?tehran
Are you a virgin?yes

How often do you masturbate?5-6 times a day
How long is your *erect* penis? 20cm

Dildo or vibrator?have none
Chains or leather?idk
What is your most odd fetish? masturbate while watching my sister have sex

What's the farthest you've gone with a girl? kissisng
What's the farthest you've gone with a guy? oral sex(recieved)
Sub or dom? sub mostly
What kinds of sex toys do you own? none

What's the farthest you've gone with a family member? kissing

Lvl5: BONUS ROUND 1~In bed:

Lubed or dry? lubed
Anal or oral (giving)? anal
Anal or oral (receiving)? oral
Naked or underwear? naked
Condom or bare? condom

Lvl6: BONUS ROUND 2~ On your penis:
Toothpaste or blood? toothpaste
Hot sauce or orange juice? orange juice
Peanut butter or caramel? caramel
Salt or pepper (on glans/head)? salt

Rubbing alcohol or red ants? alcohol

Lvl7: BONUS ROUND 3~Anal:
Ice or enema? enema
Walnut or pecan? walnut
Penis or dildo? dildo
Violet wand or unlubed fist? violet wand
2 aspirin tablets or 2 antacid tablets? aspirin
i love to crossdress.
I can not wear male underwear for at least 6 months starting October 20th.
PM me bra and I will wear a bra for 3 hours( I will stuff them if I'm alone or by my sister).
Please ask anything and dare me what to wear and what to do.
My new name is Shima. In my language it means a beautiful girl
I have to sleep naked till my birthday on September 06th
PM me sleep and dare me how I should sleep
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