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Old 01-24-2012, 12:32 PM   #278
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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More teddies adventures, will they be freed?

Find out now in ……….


No, no, no no no" laughed Froggie, "we are wanting you to eat us out - meaning eat the strawberry show laces and set us free"

Billy looked up still confused.

"Just eat through this" panda eventually said, worried they were losing precious time that could be used for escaping.

This time Billy understood, and quickly set to work chewing the tasty liquorice shoelace and setting panda free.

As soon as panda had been freed Billy set to work on his trusty friend Rexy, while panda did the same with floppy.

A few minutes later they were also free and likewise the 4 teddies started munching and releasing their trust friends from the hostage of the sticky shoelaces.

This way it didn't seem to take long for the stuffed friends to be loose once again inside the strange place on the strange island.

The teddies looked around and noticed 4 particular doorways much like the one Billy had entered.

"Ok then Billy, you can lead us out of here" came a gentle roar from Roary who was still missing his usual mighty sound effect.

"But But" started BIlly.

"It is no time to talk about your hairy butt, just lead the way" answered Panda, not giving Billy the chance to finish his sentence.

"But I don't know the way" eventually mumbled BIlly feeling sorry and wishing he had paid more attention.

"How did you find us then"

"I heard some strange alien like creature say that they were keeping a dinosaur and a gigantic eared monster in the dungeon, I thought this must be you, I then followed the signs for the dungeon and found you" said BIlly hoping his brain wave would please the group.

"Wow that was very clever of you, can you remember anything that you passed or that may be of any help to us"

Billy gave a long pause before eventually saying "Duno"

"Snow" answered Rexy mishearing as usual. "Do they have White snow like we have at home or is it a wonderful red colour, I've always wanted to see red snow" Dan O Saurus Rex continued.

"I once saw some red snow" butted in Star,

"That was blood, you silly cow" replied Panda, "anyway Billy said he doesn't know, nothing about snow"

"Sugar monsters" whispered floppy, "I can hear footsteps, we need to get out of here.

The teddies all agreed and as quick as there fluffy legs would carry them they headed for one of the door ways in the opposite direction. It lead to a strange corridor with lots of strangely looking lights scattered on the wall.

They soon came to a junction and without even waiting to be caught Star raced to the left and up some stairs.

The teddy trail was very long and it took a fair while before the last of the teddies reached the top of the steps. It led up onto the land of the strange planet

There was a volcano to the left and a dark wood to the right. In front of them they could see a sparkling blue river with a waterfall flowing slowly into a large gauge. It was flowing much slower than anything on earth with a different gravitational pull.

They could see the colourful rocket on the other side of the river.

"Which way are we going to go, is it a good idea if we head back to the rocket, or is that pointless?

"Well we need some coins to start the rocket. We know that they have coins and other treasure on this peculiar planet as the aliens believe this is what we have stolen. We must find whoever had stolen it and bargain for some so we can get home" muttered Panda.

"That sounds like an excellent idea, would we be best to find a safe route back to the rocket for when we need it?" asked Floppy.

Ok we will have a quick vote which way does everyone want to go? asked Roary.

The majority of the group wanted to go .....


Where were the teddies going to go?

Will they ever find the coins they require?

Will they be recaptured?

Keep reading Teddies Advantage for answers.


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