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Old 04-14-2008, 05:40 PM   #1
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Default My Midday Road Dare [Non-Fiction]

I've been reading this site for a while now but have never posted. I've done lots of public dares before but nearly always at night. However, recently, inspired by a dare I saw on this site, I thought I'd try to push my limits a bit.

I was staying near London for a couple of days with a relative (I'm 19m) who lives in a street with two-floor semi-detached and detached houses down it's length. I live near one end of the street and decided to leave the house leaving the front door open, hide the key at the other end and then return to the house before completely stripping and locking myself out. Now I've done this once before but left the key much nearer then (maybe only 20m away from my house) and was watching from an upstairs window to see when the cost was clear (I could also half get out the front door to check if the cost was clear because there are two very shallow 'wall bits' in the porch which you can half hide in). This time however I placed the key 60/80 metres from the house (10 houses or so either side). I also placed the key in full view of an alley - obviously this meant anyone could turn down it at any point without me having time to see them and hide (and I would be running up the whole street in view/line with this alley). On plus side there was quite a lot of on-street parking to hide from potential cars driving by.

Coincidentally at the time when I was hiding the key there was a postman down my street. I decided to be brave and do it whilst he was there as I figured it would be easy enough to go past him whilst he had his back turned.

So I got back home and stripped naked and went to peak out the door/porch to check if the street was clear. However, I accidentally (honestly!) managed to shut the door (which automatically locked!) as I stepped out! Now it wasn't too bad at this point as I thought I should just go for it! However, just I was about to step into the road a man came round the corner (opposite direction from the postman). As such I darted back into the porch and pressed myself tight against the walls - I don't think he saw me and if he did he certainly didn't give any reaction. However, by the time he had gone past the postman had completed the house next door and was walking down the road towards my house! I was locked out and totally naked with nothing I could do as there was only a 6 inch wall between the road and the garden! As such I decided again to press myself against the wall and pray that there wasn't any post today! Unfortunately this didn't work out and the postman got a nasty surprise. I was terrified he would ring the police or something (I gave him a feeble excuse that I'd locked myself out...) but he was lovely and offered to call someone for me. Of course I said no and told him I would let myself in through the back way in a minute.

Anyway I stayed in the porch for a couple of minutes absolutely terrified. The fact that I had been seen really shook me up, and I was now not really in the mood to have to run up a residential street naked at 11am! I ran round the side of the house and climbed over a gate - this now meant I was relatively hidden in the garden. It also allows me to open the gate and look out into the street to see when the coast was clear. After 10 minutes or so of wimping out I finally decided that I really had to get that key and so began running up the road. About halfway up a woman walked out of a house onto the pavement so I hid behind the back of a car – however, a ParcelForce van also drove by at this point and the driver definitely saw. I tried to dodge the ParcelForce van by hiding on the pavement side of the road (which didn’t work as the driver saw me anyway) and of course meant the lady that had just left her house saw me! I freaked out and sprinted back towards my house, again diving into the back garden. Now I was a complete wreck, I was sure I was going to be arrested or eventually caught by my relative but at the same time it was kind of exicting being locked out naked.

I wimped out and found a blue shirt in a shed (just about covered my bum) and decided that I’d just walk down and get my key in that. I’d still have looked very strange (no shoes etc) but I figured I was less likely to get arrested for it! Anyway, I put this shirt on and walked out into the sheet. When I got to the pavement I couldn’t see anyone so I thought what the hell and threw the shirt back into the garden. I don’t think I’ve ever run so fast up to my key and back and practically dove into the house! There weren’t any people or cars on the street but people in houses might have seen (I didn’t stop to check!).

When I got in I was breathing so hard and cursing myself for being an idiot and locking myself out when the postman was right there! Looking back on it though it was a really exciting experience – there was nothing I could do to avoid the postman and I was going to have to get the key at some point!

Sorry that this post is very long and a bit on the boring side but it’s my most thrilling experience and I’d definitely like to do some more risky dares like it. Being locked out didn’t really give me any options, I just had to cope with the situation! If anyone has any suggestions for risky public dares please post them or message me and I’ll see if I can work up the guts!
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