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Old 01-13-2012, 08:00 PM   #23
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: North West England
Posts: 190

1) I am (Male, Female, T/S) Female

2) When it comes to spanking I prefer to (Give, Receive, Both)? Receive

3) I prefer to spank or be spanked by? (Men, Women, Doesnt Matter) Doesnt matter

4) I have been spanked or spank (online, in person, both). I have been spanked in person

5)My favorite item to get spanked with is or to give a spanking with is (Hairbrush, paddle, hand, belt, strap, other) (If other please elaborate) I think I like the personal touch of the hand most but have been spanked with and enjoyed strap, paddle and slipper

6) My Least Favorite item to get spanked with or to give a spanking is
(Hairbrush, paddle, hand, belt, strap, other) (If other please elaborate) The idea of being caned still scares me a litle right now but I want to experience it someday

7)Whats the best attire for a spanking-

Pants/Underwear around ankles or bare from the waist down but still clothed waist up. I feel more exposed and vulnerable feeling my panties pulled taught between my knees/ankles than I do fully naked.

8)Have you been or given a spanking in the diaper position? {Thats laying on your back legs up and spread} No

9)My favorite Spanking position is
I have only experienced Over the knee and Over the back of a chair. I prefered over the knee but liked both

10) My Least Favorite Spanking position is:
Until I've experienced more of the positions I couldn't pick a least favourite of them

11) Have you ever been spanked or spanked someone in front of someone else, if so whom? Yes I was spanked with another person watching but it wasnt someone I knew

12)How intense do you like to be spanked or spank?
Hot pink/ red butt

13) Do you like to add some embarrassment to spanking, If so how? I liked to be spanked over clothes first, then stripped/made to undress by the person spanking me as it goes on. When I first experienced it I was so embarassed my cheeks felt like they were on fire as the guy pulled up my skirt around my waist and slid my panties down to my knees, telling me to stay still as he inspected and felt my redening ass.

14) Who do you want to spank most or be spanked most by? An old friend who no longer lives in my area.

15) Who ONLINE now would you most like to spank or be spanked by? I don't know anyone here yet as I just signed up so can't really answer that

Edit: Missed a question off when I pasted from notepad. Fixed now
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