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Old 04-10-2008, 05:16 PM   #34
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Wow, thanks for the great support everyone!
Part 3: Competition and Strategy

The next few days went by as usual. Nick was getting used to school but still missing the days of summer. He didn't think too much about next week, it couldn't be horrible so he'd just deal with it. Although Nick didn't know what surprises friday would bring yet.
Friday came along and went on as usual. After gym class Davis took him aside and talked to him.
"I've been thinking Nick, you don't stand a chance against me," Davis seemed happy that he said it.
"I'm guessing you want to make a special bet on that then? What'll it be because i'm in," Nick was ready.
"Ok, the guys loser will be a slave to Joey," Davis was practically excited about this. Joey was an openly gay boy at their school and would definatley be happy with a boy slave.
"Fine, i'll do it. I'll make sure to help Joey with your humiliation," Nick didn't give time for Davis to respond. The real game was on now.

After school Nick and Nicole got together to go over the list of dares and their points. They wanted to figure out what dares they could do together or in combination.
"So the only rules are if you dont complete a dare or manipulate it then it turns into negative points?" Nick asked himself, confirming it. "Seems fair."
"A lot of dares to choose from too." Nicole added. The dares ranged from 1-15 points each. They covered everything from wedgies to masturbation. Topping off the chart was video tape a couple having sex in the school, but Nick and Nicole didn't want to go that far.
"You printed off your own sheet right?" Nicole asked, Nick was looking off of hers.
"Yeah, it should be around here..." He searched the room but found no signs of it. He began to panic, if his mom found it then he could be grounded for the rest of his life! Then he thought of someone else: his brother.
He went straight to his room and opened the door, finding his brother going through the sheet of dares.
"Kyle, stop going through my stuff!"
"I'm sorry but once mom sees this you'll be dead meat." Kyle seemed very pleased, once again Nick was cornered.
"Why do you do stuff like this? I'm your brother!"
"Because you're always mean to me and you took naked pictures of me and you tell mom about everything I do wrong. I'm just doing the same to you!" Kyle was very upset and Nick decided to just please him.
"Ok, i'm sorry about the pictures but that wasn't me. Give me the list back and don't tell mom and I'll do whatever you want," nick knew it's what his brother wanted. Kyle agreed and returned the list. Nick returned to Nicole and they continued their meeting.
Soon Nick and Nicole planned out their 5 days and were ready. They couldn't lose the competition this time. The games were on.

I'm planning 7 more parts. One for each day, one for the punishments (most likely will become 2 or more.) and one for Nick's day of anything with Kyle. Should be fun.
Email me if interested in slave/ master with me or for any dares you want me to do.

Limits: Poop, Family, Gross, Public
Likes: Embarrassing, Underwear
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