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Old 12-28-2011, 06:42 AM   #190
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 2,522
Female 22.3. Coffee


'Uh, no. I've never been a sex slave.' Evie blinked. 'Isn't it normal to not have been one?'

'I haven't, either,' Hannah said. 'But I want to be.'

Surprised by the younger girl's sudden admission, Evie blinked again, not sure how to respond.

'You're too young,' Emily told her sister.

Hannah stuck her tongue out. 'You're just jealous that you won't be the one who gets me,' she retorted.

'I could take you when and wherever I wanted,' Emily replied, narrowing her eyes.

'If you say so,' Hannah said in a sing-song voice, looking away.

'I've never been in a situation before where everyone was so open about talking about such things,' Evie admitted.

'Are we scaring you?' Emily asked, giving Evie a wicked smile.

'No.' Evie laughed. 'I like it; it's really refreshing.' She looked to Jenna. 'So the two sisters admitted what they're into,' she said. 'What about you?'

'I'm into my girlfriend,' Jenna replied with a smile. 'Sometimes I'm in charge, and sometimes she is, but it's all just play.'

'That sounds like a good way to be,' Evie said politely, privately hoping that one day she could have the same serene smile on her face when talking about someone.

'I never admitted what i was into,' Emily objected.

Evie just sipped at her mocha, smiling as she drank the delicious drink.

'You made it pretty obvious when you said you could claim me if you wanted,' Hannah noted.

'Oh, yeah...' Emily busied herself with her own drink, obviously feeling sheepish.

'What about the other two?' Evie asked, partly because she wanted to head off any potential argument between the two sisters, but mostly because she really wanted to know about Nicole. 'What are they ... interested in?'

'Shouldn't you be asking them yourself?' Jenna asked with a teasing smile.

Evie blushed and shrugged. 'Just curious.' She busied herself stirring her already well stirred mocha, trying to make out like the question hadn't been a big deal.

'I'd have thought you'd already have gotten a good idea what Alyssa was like from your meeting her on the train,' Jenna said, raising an eyebrow.

'I— Wait, what? How do you know about that?' Evie asked.

'Know about what?' Hannah asked, leaning across the table towards Evie. 'Your turn to fess up secrets.'

Realising that she'd thoroughly gone and sunk her own ship, Evie glanced from side to side. 'Oh, nothing interesting,' she said. 'You wouldn't want to hear.'

'Oh, but we do,' Jenna assured her, leaning against her elbow on the table, her attention squarely on Evie. 'I'll even make you a deal,' the blonde added. 'You tell us what happened between you and Alyssa, and I'll answer any question about her that you want to know.'

It's not Alyssa that I'm interested in; it's Nicole, Evie thought, but was wise enough to keep her mouth closed.

'I really was just curious about them,' Evie assured her. 'But if you really want to know ... promise you won't tell anyone?'

'Of course,' Jenna replied with another smile. 'What's in the group stays in the group. And you're pretty much a member already.'

'I am?' Evie asked, surprised at how easily she'd been accepted.

'Alyssa recommended you, and she's an excellent judge of character,' Jenna replied. 'And at least until house applications, you two are roommates, after all.'

'Wait, what?' Evie asked. 'How do you know that?'

'You haven't received your room assignment form yet?'

'No,' Evie shook her head. 'I'm meant to pick it all up when I arrive today.' She glanced out of the window. 'Make that tonight. Will it be okay, us arriving so late?'

'Term doesn't start for a week,' Jenna shrugged. 'So people arriving at all hours returning from holidays, and no curfew on the grounds.'

'Oh, okay,' Evie said. 'So how do you know I'm rooming with Alyssa?'

'It was on the list,' Jenna shrugged again. 'Of course you were just a name until now, but we knew that Alyssa was rooming with someone new named Evie. And here you are.'

'I see,' Evie murmured. Alyssa hadn't told her that part.

'Mmhmm. Now spill. What happened between you and her on the train?'
Evie felt her cheeks on fire. 'Nothing much really happened between us. She sucked on my fingers and then made me give her my panties for her doing so.'

She looked around the table at a sea of unconvinced faces. 'That's really all that happened,' Evie promised, raising her hands.

'Which only leaves the question of why she was sucking on your fingers,' Jenna noted.

Evie made a face. The blonde was too sharp by far.

'Because they were ... well, they needed cleaning,' Evie explained delicately, hoping the other girls would catch on.

'Knowing Alyssa, the only reason she'd do something like that is if the fingers were soaked in lady juices.' Emily grinned. 'But who's juices were they soaked in?'

Evie looked down at her drink, but felt entirely too hot to drink any more right now.

'Mine,' she muttered. 'I might as well just explain the whole story. I was ... bored on the train and, well, you know, played a bit ... and then I fell asleep like that. I woke up after with Alyssa in the compartment.'

Everyone was grinning at her now. Clearly they understood perfectly well what Evie had been explaining.

'Lucky Alyssa,' Emily murmured. 'What a lucky find.'

'And here we thought it was Nicole that had all the luck,' Hannah said.

Evie blinked. 'Why Nicole?'

'She has uncanny luck with cards,' Jenna muttered. 'I understand that she knows how to read people and play them well instead of the cards, but it's not even just that. She gets amazing hands all the time.'

'Oh, I see,' said Evie. If only they knew how close they were to the truth, with the lucky comment, she thought to herself. If finding me even is lucky. She still seems pretty upset, and I'm still most likely to blame for it.

But Evie had never asked the girl to walk her up and down the carriage helping with her self-set dare, she reminded herself. Even having caught her naked, and helping hide her in the bathroom, Nicole could easily have backed out at any point, could have left at any moment. She had been the one deciding to stay, deciding to treat Evie like a puppy. So why was she upset about it? Evie didn't understand at all.
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