Thread: Fiction: 1 night 3 boys
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Old 12-05-2011, 02:25 PM   #18
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Chapter 5

I finished with Brandon after about 5 minutes. Is load was smaller than Danny’s. I only had 5 more minutes till 3 O’clock so they gave me my last dare. “ ok Percy the last thing to do is you have to is put the vibrator up your ass turn it on and put the clothes pins on your nipples while we punch you in the nuts until time runs out” said Brandon. I put the clothes pins on first. I turned the vibrator on. I inserted it in halfway, then shoved it in all the way. It was a weird feeling, painful yet enjoyable. Then I put my hands on my head. They took turns hitting me. After about 9 punches a clock chimed three and I took the vibrator out and turned it off. Then Danny pulled the clothes pins off. I yelled in shock and pain. I rubbed my nipples trying to soothe the pain. I then took off the thong and put my clothes back on. It was my turn to pick the game. “ ok that being over, the game we play will be a contest to see who can do the most cartwheels in a row”. This was perfect for me because I could do about three in a row and maybe 4 on a good day. Brandon and danny however couldn’t do any. I went first and got 4. Danny got zero and Brandon got zero to. “ ok well looks like I when and I get to dare both of you”
“hey you can’t tie in this game, me and Brandon will have to do something else to win” said Danny
“ hey we never said there cant be 1 winner and 2 losers, and your dare is to 69 with each other for 5 minutes” I said. Danny argued but Brandon stripped and got into position. Once Danny saw him he agreed and stripped. They then began sucking each other off. After 5 minutes, they stopped and got dressed. They then whispered something to each other, nodded, and turned to me and said in unison, “ok the new game is a race” I was mad because everyone knew I was slow, and that Danny and Brandon could easily beat me in a race. Since I Had no choice I agreed and we went outside to start. We agreed the 1 lap was to be 1 around the house, 2 down and backs in the pool , and I dash to the road and back to the starting line, the porch. We agreed to go for 2 laps. I said go and we took off, me and danny at equal spots and Brandon a few steps in front, once we got to the pool I managed to pull a head of danny. I got out and ran to the road, but Danny caught back up to me. Brandon was still ahead but now by several feet. Danny pulled ahead of me just as we turned to run around the house. I was only a few feet behind him. I knew that I had to beat him in the water or I would lose. He went in first with me leaping into the pool shortly after. I managed to catch up with him on the 1st down and back. I then pulled ahead. Once I got out I saw that Brandon had already finished and was sitting on the porch. I ran to the road as fast as I could. I got their and turned around right into Danny. We both fell down and heard Brandon laughing at us we both got back up and ran to the porch. I would’ve lost but fortunately for me Danny was in bad shape and he began to pant and fall behind. I only beat him by a couple of seconds but it was enough to keep me safe from dares for a bit longer.

Likes pain, cum, mastubation, anal
Dislikes family, public
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