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Old 12-03-2011, 12:20 PM   #12
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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Thanks for all the early support, it is most appreciated.

Now let the story begin …


PART 1 (279 Parts in total)

Everyone crowded around as Mark gasped with surprise.

"What is it, what is it" Lucy asked excitedly.

"I don't know, it seems like rules to another game?" Mark finally managed to splutter. "There's also another envelope" Mark continued, baffled at why anyone would put an envelope inside another.

The look on each of the player’s faces was magical as the tension of what was going to be revealed mounted to almost boiling point.

"Read the letter out loud" instructed John, who as the leader was the only player to know what he had written inside.

Mark slowly began to read:

The other 4 loosing players stared at Mark hardly believing their ears. Had they heard Mark correct, would they possibly have to do the big forfeit, what could it be?

Mark briefly showed the letter to the 10 poker players. “Ha ha, I think John should be the loser in regards to his spelling” teased David, happy that he wasn’t one of the players that had to worry.

John scowled at David realising that indeed he had spelt loser incorrectly. Looking around the room he saw that only one player seemed to rejoice in the letter, this was Mark who realised that there was a possibility that he was not going to be asked to do something horrid.

"Well what is everyone waiting for, let the forfeit game begin" instructed John ushering everyone to sit in a large circle as they had been moment earlier.

With everyone ready, John told the losers that he would be the dealer. Placing a chip near the 5 losers so everyone could easily tell who was playing, and possibly having the mammoth dare.

Amber, Mark, Dani, Lucy and Adam sat nervously awaiting their fate.

Slowly John dealt two cards to each of the 5 players.

"Mark, as the loosing player you must go first" instructed John.

"Twist please" pleaded Mark.

John turned the top card over revealing a 6.

"Stick" sniggered Mark with a huge grin.

"Amber what would you like to do" John continued.

"Well I would really like to see Mark performing the dare" teased Amber giving a totally different answer to what any of the players were expecting.

"Are you sticking or would you like to gamble" snapped John who unlike the rest of the players didn't see the funny side of Ambers remark

"I'll play safe" instructed Amber, meaning she was sticking with the two cards she had been dealt.

"Twist" shouted Adam, as soon as Amber had finished her go.

"Steady on tiger" called Laura to her brother who was obviously eager to get the game over with.

John dealt Adam a 4, to which Adam asked for another card. The next was a 3. Adam sat there wondering what his best chances were. If he stuck at present he was sure someone would beat his hand. There was therefore only one other choice, "please can I have another card" he gingerly asked.

John duly obliged and dealt Adam a 5.

Everyone starred at Adam wondering if he could have a 5 card trick or was he bluffing and had actually gone bust.

Adam of course wasn't going to tell the players what his original 2 cards were and the suspense mounted as the final 2 players began their game.

"Lucy, you’re up next, what would you like to do" John snorted.

Lucy sat debating, "I'll twist" she eventually said breaking the silence of the room as the players eagerly awaited to find out if Adams 5 card trick had actually worked. If his original 2 cards had totalled 9 or lower he was sure to be the winner.

John dealt Lucy a king. "Oh cool" shouted Lucy trying to make out it was the card she was hoping for.

"Dani, you are the finally player of this epic tense game, what is your decision"

"um decisions, decisions, what would the rest of you do with a 10 and an ace? Dani asked teasingly. After a few seconds pause she said "I think I will stick." Several of the players laughed, not knowing if to believe Dani or not.

Right then, it's soon going to be time that the winner of the first round is revealed before then though, I think it will be interesting if the players who haven't got to worry about this game have a little side bet.

Everyone’s ears pricked up. "Oh more fun. I wonder how much more fun our naked bodies can take" whispered Sarah.

"What do you have in mind?" asked David no longer surprised at how wild the evenings game had become.

John smiled before answering, "Well I thought that we could ..........


What will the side bet be?
Who will the winner of the first round be?

Keep reading Strip Poker with a Twist the Aftermath for more tense fun.

All comments are much appreciated.


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