Thread: Fiction: ★ Eliza - Time Stopper
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Old 12-01-2011, 06:46 PM   #11
Angel of Dare
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Chapter 4

“Eliza! You were in English with Mrs Brixton right? RIGHT?! Oh my god please tell me you were I need inside information” Amelia ran erratically down the corridor towards Eliza with a huge grin on her face.

“Yeah I was, it was hilarious” Eliza smiled at her best friend

“I heard Tiffany completely slutted out and flashed her tits” Amelia looked at Eliza excitedly awaiting more information.

“Well it didn’t quite go like that”

“I don’t feel sorry for her and I don’t think anyone else does, she’s such a vile bitch” Amelia shrugged.

Eliza went on to tell Amelia what happened, leaving out the parts where she stopped time and stripped Tiffany, obviously.
“Oh my God, why do I feel like she somehow planned that to be the talk of the school?” Amelia rolled her eyes

“I guess we’ll never know” Eliza smiled knowingly as she walked down the corridor with her excitable best friend.

A boy walked towards them from the opposite end, he was tall with dark hair and striking blue eyes. He walked slowly but with confidence, he was smartly dressed and it was very obvious made an effort with his appearance. His hair was near perfect in a way that looked effortless but probably took a lot of time to get right, he was tall and you could tell his body was well toned even through his clothes. As he got closer he smiled at Eliza and Amelia, a smile that made him even more attractive as if it were even possible.

“Hello my lovelies” His voice was deep, as smooth as velvet and simply irresistible.

“Hey Sebastian, shouldn’t you be in class... or detention or something?” Eliza smirked at him and he stepped in between her and Amelia and put his arms around their shoulders.

“You could at least act like you’re pleased to see me”

“We always are Seb. We haven’t managed to find a cure for that yet” Amelia joked.

“You really know how to make me feel loved, Amy” he ruffled her hair and she screamed and glared at him. If looks could kill Sebastian would be no more.
“I’m going to the loo to fix my hair” Amelia sighed as she combed through her hair with her fingers hopelessly “I’ll see you at the end of the day Eliza, and you, arsehole.” She blew a kiss to them both as she skipped off towards the girl’s bathroom.

“Ah Eliza, you have me all to yourself. Do with me what you will I am yours... Lucky you might I add” Sebastian kept his arm around her shoulder and grinned at her.

“You’re so full of yourself Seb” She laughed, she knew Sebastian well. She knew he wasn’t as big headed as he came across, he just liked to joke. To Eliza he was one of the nicest and most genuine people she’d ever met. He looked at Eliza, studying her face for a few seconds. He stopped walking and Eliza paused with him instinctively.

“How are you Eliza?” he looked at people when he spoke to them as if they were the only person on the planet. He gazed at her and she forgot how to speak. “You look like you’ve got something on your mind”

“Uh, I... I’m fine” Eliza said, her voice faltered a little. She looked up at him trying to keep the look on her face of a girl who didn’t desperately lust after her best friend. Something on her mind? Other than the insane fact that she could stop time and the almost uncontrollable urge to tear off Sebastian’s shirt she didn’t have much on her mind.

“Okay Liza. You can talk to me if you ever need to though. Let me walk you to class?” He took her bag for her and slipped his muscular arm around her shoulders again, she wanted badly to snuggle into him but she knew she had to repress all her inappropriate desires. She didn’t want to ruin what she already had.

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