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Old 10-24-2011, 06:23 AM   #245
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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What will happen next?

Find out now in ……….


However as the music came to an end so did Lucy's erotic dare, and with cheers of praise it was then time for Lucy to get down from the oak table.

After a few seconds of trying and being scared of falling off the table which was only actually about 3 foot off the floor Lucy cried for help. "Can someone help me down."

There was a mad rush as the males all scrambled to there feet to get to Lucy's aid. John was the first there and with his strong muscular body lifted Lucy off her feet. Gently putting her back in the floor before it was time for the next round.

"Sarah surely you have got to lose a round soon" smiles Dani trying to make her friend crack under pressure.

With the suspense high the cards were drawn and slowly revealed by each of the ten players. Was this going to be a round to remember or the calm before the storm? With the players who remained in the game playing safe and the 4 players that had already lost playing or rather targeting strong hands it was even more interesting.

Unfortunately for a few of the players that were playing for winning hands their luck had drawn thin and they were left with the opposite, and held little.

The overall cards each player finished with was.

David – STRAIGHT FLUSH (S - 9) (S - 8) (S - 7) (S - 6) (S - 5)
Dani – FLUSH (S - ACE) (S - KING) (S - 9) (S - 4) (S - 2)

Brian – 3 OF A KIND (H - QUEEN) (S - QUEEN) (C - QUEEN) (D- 10) (C - 6)
Lucy – 3 OF A KING (H - 3) (C - 3) (D - 3) (D - 5) (H - 4)

John – 2 PAIR (C - 9) (D - 9) (H - 8) (S - 8) (S - 3)
Amber – 2 PAIR (D - 7) (C - 7) (H - 5) (S - 5) (D - QUEEN)

Laura – 2 PAIR (D - 3) (C - 3) (D - 2) (D - 2) (D - 5)
Sarah PAIR (D - KING) (H - KING) (C - JACK) (C - 10) (H - 9)

Mark – HIGH CARD (D – KING) (D - 9) (C - 8) (H - 6) (C - 4)
Adam – HIGH CARD (S - JACK) (C - 9) (D - 8) (H - 7) (C - 5)

As soon as Adam saw his final card he knew instantly there was a good chance he would be in the bottom two. He was correct and unfortunately finished the round last, with the other looser being Mark.

The winner was David who claimed his extra chip.

"Hey what's going on" cried Dani before continuing "we are supposed to be taking chips from them, not giving extras out"

Several players laughed as they realised what Dani was meaning. The players that had lost the game were already out. Therefore they had no chips to sacrifice, however David was lucky enough to gain an extra chip.

"Now what are the dares and truths going to be" asked David while rubbing his hands with glee. "Who wants to go first" he finally asked.

The two male losers were both a little puzzled as rarely did they have the chance to choose to go first or second.

"I will go first" smiled Adam hoping to get his punishment over with as soon as possible.

David glared at Adam before telling him his dare "Adam you have a bit of an embarrassing dare, I want you to go into ann summers (sex store) next week and ask for assistance about an object that I will later decide. After asking the assistant and getting her advice you must then ask at least 2 customers what they think, one of these must be female and the other male, one over 25 the other under. I will tell you the item and give you more information later in the week. Do you understand" finished David hoping the dare would embarrass Adam a little. He already had planned the item in which Adam would be getting advice on and later purchasing, but wanted to keep this a secret for now, and leave Adam wondering.

Adam sat thinking about his dare, the upcoming week was sure to be an action packed one. "What could David ask him to buy, what would he be forced to do" these questions and more were spinning around his head. He tried to forget about things, but he couldn't.

"Right is it time for Mark truth questions" asked John.

"It sure is" David answered before revealing his truth questions which were ........


What are the truth questions going to be?

Keep reading Strip Poker with a Twist the Sequel for answers.


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