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Old 01-06-2011, 12:20 PM   #25
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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Thanks for all comments and for everyone helping myself and story to receive
2010 Best Content Award

Now for the Strip Poker with a Twist the Sequel: What will Dani have David do to show he is sorry?


“Ok, to show you are truly sorry the first thing I would like you to do is try the thong on” David was truly shocked at hearing this, and had never cross dressed before. The closest he had got, was in his mind wanting to try on different pieces of female lingerie that he had seen in shops and others lying around the house or on the washing line.

What made him feel a little better, was knowing that his friend Adam had worn his sister’s underwear earlier that week. However he didn’t think he could have done it, wearing a thong that had been previously shoved up someone’s tight warm vagina let alone if it was your sisters.

Thinking of all of this made David feel a lot better while growing harder at the image of the lingerie. Next David picked up the White lace thong and measured it up against him. At least it was white he thought, he would have dreaded wearing a coloured thong and having the possibility of it showing through his white trousers.

David slowly stripped of his white trouser in front of the watching Dani. “Now don’t be shy and remove your boxers” ordered Dani. David had previously stripped in front of Dani twice before (strip poker game and Dani’s bedroom) and was no longer as shy at letting Dani seeing his cock.

He therefore swiftly removed the white boxers and his weapon sprung out for Dani to easily see. Dani stared at the thick sausage like thing between his legs. “Wow it seems bigger than I remember” sniggered Dani watching David blush as she said it.

Next David picked up the white thong that he had placed on the bench alongside him and placed his leg in one of the holes. Pulling this up he heard Dani let out a fairly loud cackle and eventually David realised why she had done this as he had the string of the thong right near his cock and the large part of white lace material near his ass. “I have never seen a thong worn like that before” Dani spluttered.

Just then there were footsteps along the corridor outside. David wished that Dani would stop laughing and drawing attention to them. There was suddenly a voice from an unknown person saying “Excuse me, is there anyone in their” “Yes” said Dani. “Are you going to be long” the female voice then asked. David felt worried at being in the thong while knowing there were females outside only metres away from him. He also felt certain he recognised the voices however could not put a name to the voice.

“We won’t be much longer” Dani responded. They then heard footsteps walking in the opposite direction. Meanwhile David had froze in the white thong and was now quickly taking his legs out of the thong and retried, putting the thong on correctly.

What were the females going to say if they found David and Dani in the same cubical David wondered? He was beginning to get more and more worked up when he noticed Dani staring at himself. He could tell that Dani was admiring the cock that was tucked out of the side of the thong.

“Now I want you to try the other one on” Dani demanded. “What other one” David asked in a puzzled voice. “The only other thong that’s present in this room” said Dani trying to make David feel a little edgy.

David was lost for words and did not say anything for what seemed like several minutes. Just then Dani ……………


Who were the Female Voices?
Will David try on the other thong?
Will they get caught in the changing facilities together?
What will happen next keep reading Strip Poker with a Twist for Answers?


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