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Old 12-07-2010, 12:52 PM   #7
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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Thank you for all commenters, as promised 2 chapters in 12 hours

What was Ambers Surprise?
What did Brian want? To find out read below.


Once half way down the alley which had a high wooden fence on one side and a hedge on the other Amber had another surprise this was when Brian handed her the sexy blue bra. Why had he done this?, surely he would have tried to use it to get something, Amber thought.

Amber just stood there and took hold of her bra without saying a word. “Can I ask you a few questions” asked Brian. “Sure” was Amber’s slow reply. “Why were you down that wooded road topless?” “It was a dare” said amber, at once wishing she hadn’t said anything. “Who dared you, and why did you do it?” “It was just by a friend and it kind of gave me a thrill” replied Amber

Brian then changed the subject, which again surprised Amber. Surely most boys would ask for more details, but instead Brian asked “Do you want to be my partner in our Marketing work, I have only been in this town for a short while and I never really fitted in at first. This is mainly because my parents have moved so regular in the past. Whenever I make friends I am forced to move school and start again. However you seem very nice and you look very attractive, especially topless” Brian blushed.

Amber also blushed at hearing this, and Brian seemed to make her feel warm inside, “sure we can be partners” she told Brian. Brian seemed very happy at this and later while still walking asked if Amber wanted to be close friends and if she had many friends in this new town. Amber was very happy to have an extra friend, however was still worried what her other friends would say.

The two new friends exchanged phone numbers and chatted a while about all sorts of unusual facts. Amber could tell that Brian was quite clever at what he knew, and when he got chatting was not as shy as Dani or anyone probably believed. One of the strange questions he asked her was: What famous events happened in British History on any of the following dates 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 13th September 1752.

After Amber said she had no idea Brian said he would let her see if she could find out and tell her later in the week, if she was still unsure.

Soon Amber and Brian parted company, and Amber hurried down the hill into town, to pick up her younger sister from Primary School. She was surprised to find that she had also settled in really well to the school and she was anxious to tell Amber about her day. She was the usual gobby 9 year old who only stopped talking to eat.

Amber took her home and had to look after her for half an hour until her mother got home from a job interview. Amber went to her room to put her bag on the floor. She got a strange feeling and was sure that someone had been in her room or moved something, however she could not think why she thought this and everything seemed to be in the same place as usual.

Amber was very happy that her mother was home a lot earlier than she had expected and planned to go over to Sarah’s earlier than the 7.00pm arranged.

The time was currently 6.25pm when Amber scurried out of the house, hardly noticing that it was dripping with rain. She quickly walked or rather marched to Sarah’s house hammering on the door. She was surprised to see Sarah/Laura/Adams mother answering the door. She had never met her, as the last time she was at the house she was away. “Hello, I have called around to meet Sarah and Laura” Amber told her. “Hi, you must be Amber, it is nice to meet you” the lady who looked like she was in her 40s said. “SARAH!!!” She then bellowed.

It wasn’t long before Sarah emerged and showed Amber to the private basement where they were planning their meeting. Here there were biscuits, coke, crisps, lots of chairs and a table. Most of the friends were there including: Laura, Sarah and Adam who of course lived there. There was also John and Dani.

“Where is David” Amber asked. “He’s on his way, he telephone not long back and will be here any minute now”, John muttered. Just as he said this there was a knock on the door and soon the whole 7 players were present.

“Now for the reason why I called you all here” said Laura laying the letter down on the table, reading it out loud this is what was written.


What famous events happened in British History on any of the following days 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 13th September 1752.

All answers to the above question are much appreciated, does anyone know?

What was the letter to say?
Who was the letter from?
Why did Amber have a strange feeling in her room?
What will happen about Brian?


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