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Old 11-21-2011, 04:35 PM   #8
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***Chapter Three***

Yes, this was the year of many changes. They didn’t just stop at integrating the camp sessions though. This year was an experiment, to see what result moving in the complete opposite direction would bring about. The parents were notified of the changes, and had the option to pull their children out if they didn’t agree with the rules of the program.

Some parents did. Others sat down and had long talks with their kids about what would happen. Others read the notification, thought carefully, and then sent their kids to camp knowing that they would grow and benefit from the experience….but without telling them what to expect.


The dorms were pretty old-fashioned. Ugly green paint, tile floors, big creaky wooden doors. I thought they were kind of cool, and the fact that I got to spend two weeks away from home living there made them even cooler.

There were three floors. My room was on the second floor, which was pretty much just one long hallway with a bathroom at one end. I’d been dumb enough to drink a huge soda on the car ride up, and I was definitely feeling the pressure on my bladder, so I headed toward a bathroom.

I opened the door marked simply “Bathroom” and looked in. I was surprised—I was expecting another set of doors leading to the boys and girls rooms, but I found myself looking in at an ugly pink tile floor, three stalls without doors, a sink, and two urinals. I quickly shut the door, glad that I hadn’t walked in on a guy.

Then I realized something. These were old dorms, and there was just one bathroom on each floor. If this one was a boys bathroom, then I’d be walking up or down stairs to go pee or take a shower. Annoying.

I went down to the first floor, which had the same layout as the second. As I stepped off the stairs I saw a girl coming out of the bathroom. “Hey, is this one the girls’ bathroom?” I asked.

She turned around, blonde ponytail bobbing. “Yeah. Well, sort of. Didn’t they tell you?”

The blank look on my face must have been answer enough for her.

“It’s part of the whole thing they’re doing at camp this year. Gender mixing. No separate bathrooms. Hope you don’t have a shy bladder!”

“Wait, so you mean we don’t only have to share bathrooms with other girls in the dorm, we have to share them with GUYS too?” I yelped.

“Yup. Don’t look so upset. It’s no big deal. It’s kind of fun to freak the boys out by walking in while they’re peeing at a urinal!”

She winked at me and walked off down the hall.

I stood there for a moment, thinking. This was going to be weird. Poor Valerie was going to freak out about this for sure. And the stalls didn’t even have DOORS on them.

While I was standing there, a guy with dark hair came out of one of the rooms. He walked into the bathroom without even looking at me. Well, that settled it, I couldn’t use this one. I figured the one on the third floor would be the least likely to be occupied, so I turned around and started back up the stairs.

When I got to the third floor no one was around. I opened the bathroom door a crack and peeked in. Empty. By this time I was about to burst. I ducked in, went to a stall, dropped my pants and panties, and said a quiet prayer that no one would walk in on me.

No such luck. Just as I started peeing the door opened, and in walked a boy. But not just a boy. The most gorgeous boy I’ve ever seen. He was tall, built, and his tight tee shirt showed off his amazing arms. I froze, squeezing to stop peeing.

He glanced at me and smiled. “Hey, don’t mind me,” he said, and turned away from me and walked to a urinal. The urinals were directly across from the stalls, and he turned to face one and started doing his business without a care in the world.

I was frozen. I didn’t know what to do. My bladder was bursting, I had my pants and panties around my ankles, and I was hunched over with my legs squeezed together trying to cover up. After a few seconds the boy turned back around, zipping up his pants. He glanced at me and smiled again. “You okay?”

“Uh….I dunno. This is really really weird.”

“You’ll get used to it. And if you think this is weird, wait until you find out the rest. See you around.”

I could feel myself blushing. He washed his hands, then went out the door. Only then could I start peeing again. Thankfully no one else came in until I finished up. I cleaned myself up, washed my hands, and leaned against the wall by the sink. I glanced at the urinals, and felt myself starting to blush again. My heart was racing. With a shock I also realized I was ridiculously turned on.

That was going to be a problem. Like I said, everyone thinks I’m all innocent and don’t think about that kind of stuff. But I do. Waaaaay too much. I’d never admit it to anyone, but I masturbate every single night….sometimes more than once. I can’t help it. I have an active imagination, and I start thinking about stuff, and then I get so worked up I just have to get some relief.
Which was going to be a problem. With a roommate, there’d be no way I could get myself off at night. Especially since we had bunk beds!

When I thought about this problem last week I just figured I could take care of myself in the shower. Now I realized that might not be as easy as I had assumed…

Last edited by Markbassplayer; 11-21-2011 at 11:04 PM.
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