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Old 11-12-2011, 04:02 PM   #15
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: UK
Posts: 66

The day didn't go according to plan, I was going to where a white blouse and short black skirt to the meeting I had in London. Perfect for this dare I thought!

So wednesday, I got up early Only to find my Mum hadn't washed the blouse and I didn't really have anything else to go with the skirt. So for a moment I thought it was going to be a trousers and jumper. I made myself late trying to find something more fun but finally settled on a light yellow linen summer dress, button up front and loose floating short skirt. A bit summery for a meeting in November but that would make it more fun. And with no underwear and only a coat a protection I left the house.

I walked to the bus stop, with the freezing cold air around my legs I almost went back. But the thought of the dare and sighting i spotty schoolboy at the bus stop to pick on, gave me the will to continue.

As I walked up to the bust stop I slipped off my coat and then I realized how cold it was "nipples like JCB starter buttons" my boyfriend would say. and no I wasn't turned on, just fucking cold. I think he noticed but not sure. so as the bus approached I stood up in front of him and dropped my money, bending from the waist shoving my naked arse almost in his face, this time i know he saw! as i looked round and he looked away bright red faced and the fact that he was try to look up my skirt as he followed me up the stairs to the bus.

In London my first opportunity was on the tube across town, It was busy, I reached inside my coat in popped opened a button on my dress just a boob level so it would gape. As I boarded the packed train I once again struggled off my coat, it was hot not cold and most people where so engrossed in their ipads and newspapers they wouldn't have noticed if we crashed but As I stood in the isle holding onto a post Im sure at least one guy was trying to look as far up my skirt as possible, and the guys next to me was holding to same post at chest level and every time the train jolted my boob rubbed up the back of his hand, I know he noticed. and for the next ten mins not only was he openly staring down my top but touching me as well!!! If one of them had been a gentleman and let me sit down they may have got a flash,lol

I had great plans, but it all went wrong when I got to the meeting late and got told off, I felt really stupid and conscious of myself. one of the guys kept staring at my tits, but i just felt more stupid and so at lunch i went and bought some underwear.

I didn't seem to be able to do any right that day and went home a bit depressed and ashamed. I dint do any more of the dare but I may try again.
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