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Old 11-03-2011, 08:23 PM   #54
tarheel boy
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 179

1. What's your bday? April 5

2. How many children do you want to have? 1

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) Levi Dean

4. At what age would you like to have these kids? late 20s

5. Any pets? currently: Pearl (female mutt) and Murphy (tom cat)

6. If yes, what kind? above

7. What is your dream vehicle? Shelby GT 500

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? Either England or Japan. In England, sight see, hang out, british metal. In Japan, martial arts, sight see

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? eyes cause my girlfriend has the cutest eyes ever

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? Tunnels series, TV (cant contact, just watch), Grown Ups DVD, picture of my girlfriend, and a crate of sour skittles

11. Describe your perfect date? Any date with my girlfriend is perfect

12. What is your darkest fantasy? ???

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? taller, hair color, better handwriting i guess

14. Describe your perfect man or woman. my girlfriend is perfect

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? ehh i dont care for it, i perfer mouth to mouth

16. Have you ever given a rimjob? no

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation? nope

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? no
19. If yes what animal? NA
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal? dog i guess

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose? me

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? well isnt that like $10 USD? probably some Redbox dvds, a 2 liter of Coke and a pack of Skittles

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? nothing, I believe time travel shouldnt be used if invented

24. Do you like chocolate? duh

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? cause Gates was stupid

26. What's your dream life? marry my girlfriend and become an engineer

27. What scares you the most and why? bees, im deathly allergic

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? animals, sunsets over mountain tops (trust me, they are beautiful) and ocean

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? face, a pretty face is better than anything
30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? respect

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? no
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges? NA
33. If so, which ones? NA

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? put together a grand pooltable by myself; accept my dog got hit by a car when i was 6

35. What are your two biggest regrets? not spend as much time with my dad's dad as i could have; getting pizza instead of chicken at lunch
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? watch football with my dad and grandpa (even though they were the Redskins); get chicken

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? my mom's mom
38. Who's the worst? my dad's older brother's wife

39. What are you most jealous of? birds and the ability to fly

40. Are you OCD about anything? sorting food by color, pulling leaves off trees, and chewing something (like pin caps)

41. What would you do if your best friend died? go to his funeral and probably feel like shit for years

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? no idea

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be?eating at Bojangle's every Friday morning with friends

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? my friend Austin A

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know? isolation

46. What size is your bed? single

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? prevent zombies

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? tough one, probably oral sex though

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? To be successful

50. What is more important - lust or love? love

51. Define marriage in a sentence. the eternal love between 2 people

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? fellow sheep

53. Does size matter? a little

54. Do you have any STDs? no

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? sex
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? giving oral to females

57. What’s your favorite position? cowgirl

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? ot means its even more special

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) nope

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?hotel room on a school trip

61. How often do you masturbate?like 2 time a week

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? no

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? couple weeks

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? no

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? no

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? food lion
67. Did you get it? yes

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? probably not

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? Packers bandwagon

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? for a couple days

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? Salud

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? im currnetly in HS

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? maybe...

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? a good bit

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? about 10

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? scratch

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?Katara from Avatar

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?a fight at school

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? Duke Universty

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? no

81. What was your nickname in high school? CR (real name is Caleb Ross)

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why? TV show Happy Days

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? get my girlfriend

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? intellegence; war

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where? 2008; California for vacation

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? get out of bed

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? England

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? pizza guys want their tips

89. Do you think you are selfish? a little

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom? cause its disrespectful

91. What is your favorite drink? Coke

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? leftover pizza

93. What is the last book you read? Closer by Gorden and Williams

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want? information

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? The CR story

97. How would you describe yourself in three words? cool, kind, and clever

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. only had 1 and he is pretty cool, lets me get off early if i have a lot of homework

99. What is your greatest weakness? skittles

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees? 0 degrees mathmatically, -32 degrees scientifically
likes:nudity, semi-public, humiliation, mild bondage and crossdressing
limits: anal, family, friends, pictures, permanent and more than mild pain

you wont see my mienshao until it's too late... DRAIN PUNCH!!!!

"...How about her?"
"Yeah I'd do her."
"What would you do?"
"I'd take her out to a nice dinner, I'd walk her home afterwords, and when we get there, I'd shake the fuck out of her father's hand."
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