Thread: Fiction: Party That Led To Blackmail
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Old 10-25-2011, 11:32 AM   #20
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Default Chapter 11

Glad to see i've got a few new readers. Here's the next chapter

Chapter 11

A few people were beginning to lose clothes now and Rachel was the next to be the victim of this when Dean asked her to remove her skirt. This obviously brought back her nervousness about the whole situation as she would be the first to be showing her panties to the group.
“Give her a minute guys” Kayla said in her defence. Rachel, seeing that she had some support from Kayla, agreed and started to remove her skirt revealing her black thong which matched her bra. This left Rachel showing all her underwear now. This meant it was her turn however she asked Gary if they could have a break beforehand. He said yes and so they each went off to use the loo and get another drink from the kitchen. However during the break Rachel had different plans. There was a shop just 2 minute’s walk away from Gary’s place which sold sex toys. Rachel had some plans of how to use these if she could make her way over to the shop. Her only problem was that she couldn’t be seen walking the streets in only her bra and thong. After reaching the hallway she decided that she could try and get some of her clothes back. However Max and Gary were still chatting in the other room and so she wouldn’t be able to avoid them seeing her take the clothes and they would not allow it. This therefore meant that if her plan was going to go ahead it would have to be done in her current state of dress. She went back to the front door put on her shoes, which she had left there earlier, and quietly opened it allowing the cold air inside. She stepped out and pushed the door so it was left slightly ajar. This meant that she would be able to get back inside later without anyone noticing. She then set off, pleased that she did at least have the darkness for cover. She did however still feel very exposed and hopped that her plan was worth it. She saw a car approaching her and she panicked. However there was nothing she could do as it was approaching so fast. The car then…
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