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Old 05-16-2024, 03:56 PM   #7
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Chapter Five

I explained everything to Nylah and Ryan, holding back the tears as I did so - but failing badly at preventing myself from blushing. I told them about what I was wearing, I told them about the diapers in my room and I gritted my teeth as I told them what I was feeling the very strong urge to do at that moment.

"That is so gross," Nylah said, shaking her head in disbelief, "Who comes up with this stuff? Are you going to have to poop in them too?"

Ryan nudged Nylah in her side. Hard. She yelped, "Ow! I was only asking."

I solemnly nodded my head, having done everything in my power to keep that thought out of my mind. At some point, I was going to have to poop myself. That was not going to be fun. Wetting myself wasn't too much more appealing, however, and that was an evil that was approaching much faster. I tried not to think about it as I ignored my lack of appetite and used the chunky plastic fork to start digging into my chicken nuggets. After the brief excitement, we mostly ate in silence, with just some passing small talk escaping from people's lips, between bites.

"So, what happens after dinner?" I asked, thinking about how I needed to find Miss Adwani and get my diaper changed, once I finally reach my limit.

Polly replied, "Most of us have a few free hours to socialize or get involved with activities. Some people, on the other hand..."

Nylah grimaced, "I have an evening class, unfortunately, so I won't be joining you."

"Oh yes, Miss Adwani mentioned there were classrooms. How does that work? What kind of classes are there?"

The two burst out laughing in response with Ryan shaking his head. It was Polly that answered, "Sorry, hun, they're not regular classes. They're more like extensions of the punishment. All of my classes are 'Feminization' classes."

I groaned. Great, I thought to myself, it just gets worse and worse with every passing moment.

Nylah giggled, "Well, if you have classes - at least they'll be easy. They'll probably just have you learning stuff like the alphabet."

Ryan again lunged towards her, as if trying to cover her hand with his mouth as she laughed. I wasn't too sure what to make of her remark, but the fight that had broken out had definitely allowed me to see some humour in the situation.

"OI!" yelled out a masculine voice as a guard rushed over, a thick black baton in his hands, "Do you two want to spend the nights in the cells?" he yelled at Ryan and Nylah, the latter of whom was still laughing.

The two quickly released each other and got back to their seats. "No, Sir, we're sorry," Nylah said, composing herself quickly.

"Good girl," the guard growled before turning and slowly walking away, leaving us back at the table again. I could tell that a few of the nearby tables were watching us; though trying to be subtle about it.

We began to settle back down and conversations got a bit more muted, before SARA finally announced aloud, a chorus across the cafeteria, "Evening meal has now concluded. Please make your way out of the cafeteria."

Nylah was the first to her feet, "Right, I need to go down to my class."

"Atrium, Ry?" Polly asked Ryan, who nodded, "Hannah, you coming down to the atrium with us?"

I shook my head, "I need to find Miss Adwani..." I motioned downwards, not daring to say the words aloud for fear that my bladder would hear me. "How do I find her?"

Polly nodded, "Gotcha. If you ask SARA, she should be able to tell you."

"Miss Adwani is currently located in Classroom 14, on Floor -10," SARA responded, upon my query.

We made our way to the elevator, with all of us heading downwards, descending into the facility. I was the first to disembark, stepping off at the first floor of classrooms. Once again, stepping out of the elevator, I was greeted by the balcony that looked down onto the rest of the facility. However, behind me, forming the entirety of the dome were sixteen classrooms. I spotted number 14 across the other side of the balcony and was about to start making my way around when a voice stopped me.

"Well, well, well, it's been a while," the joyful, feminine voice said.

I turned to see a taller girl, who looked to be in her early 20s, standing with her back against the side of the elevator. She had golden blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail and was wearing a fashionable white crop top and black bottoms. I couldn't help but notice the full face of make-up, which led to me asking myself whether she was actually female - or another sissy. Given how gorgeous Polly was, that seemed an impossible question to answer.

"Um, do I know you?" I asked, not sure what she meant.

She shook her head and laughed, "No, sorry. I can see how that would be confusing. I just meant it's nice to have another new 'control' in here. It's been a while and our numbers were dwindling."


"Goodness, I can tell you haven't ever studied science," she laughed, walking up to me, "When you're doing an experiment, you have a test group and a control group. You run an experiment on the test group and then compare the results against the control group, which was left untouched. All those freaks roaming around doing their weird punishments, they're the experiment group. Those of us who went unpunished - we're the controls."

"But- I'm not- What makes you-" I thought for a moment and then composed myself. Why not just play along and avoid the conflict? "How did you know I was one of you?"

"Oh, I overheard you talking about going to see Miss Adwani," she explained, "You would only have her class this evening if you were a control."

"But... aren't the classes part of the punishments?"

The blonde girl laughed and shook her head, "Not our classes, silly. We're halfway through a Further Maths module; but I'm sure you'll be able to catch up. Come on!"

She hurried forwards, heading to the same destination that I was heading. Cursing my luck, I followed her closely. Of course we're going to the same place... Of course!

"I'm Georgia, by the way," she said as we walked. She didn't offer a handshake or a hug like the others that I'd met today.


With every step, I could feel my bladder throbbing. I was going to have to release it soon, but it now seemed that the only possible way to getting a diaper change was to expose myself as a liar to Georgia. I held my breathe as Georgia pushed open the door to Classroom 14 and we both stepped inside.
Your diaper maid. Here to obey.

Read my diaper humiliation story: The Research & Correctional Facility

Subby girl, 18
Loves diapers, humiliation, misogyny, CNC, mental torment, toilet stuff, risk.
Curious about semi-public, forced-bi, pet play.
Limits are pictures, videos, exposure, full public (risk is fine), enemas, messy, anal, ice, extreme pain.

I consent to being spoken down to, insulted, and to be given tasks by anybody.
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