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Old 05-13-2024, 05:12 PM   #1
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Key The Research & Correctional Facility

Chapter One

In the year 2008, the UK government passed on act of legislation that promised to reform the criminal justice system. It was clear that prisons were not the answer; and that criminals were being locked up for years, at high expense to the British taxpayer and at the end of it... reoffending rates were simply too high. Something had to change. The only problem was, nobody could decide on what to change it to.

There were lots of ideas thrown about - but what eventually came to pass was the "Criminal Experimental Reform Act", which gave the criminal justice system additional funding to experiment different methods of punishment on criminals between the ages of 18 and 30. The punishments would be monitored, and the criminals followed throughout their lives in longitudinal studies. After precisely one hundred years, the results of the experiment would be unsealed and released to parliament and the public - who would have the foundation to make an informed decision on the future of criminal justice.

I remembered studying the ground-breaking legislation in Sociology, in Sixth Form, and being outraged by it. No oversight, no transparency - it was going to be an international embarrassment when the documents were unsealed and the century of what would undoubtedly be abuse was released to the public. Not once during that module had I considered that I would some day find myself tangled up in it. It was completely my fault, and I pleaded guilty throughout the entire ordeal. I just wanted it over with. I had hurt somebody - they were still alive, but I had hurt them. My public defender said that typically a pretty 18-year-old girl would draw enough sympathy for a reduced sentence; but given the specifics of the victim, that wasn't likely. He was, however, able to turn what could've been five years in prison into three years at the "Research & Correctional Facility" or the RCF. I hated to do it, but two years seemed like a long time, from the stand.

That's how I found myself sat on a cheap plastic chair, in a white-lit room staring at the empty grey table in front of me. A door was behind it - presumably the one they'd taken me in through. I didn't know, I was blindfolded at the time. I didn't bother checking to see if it was locked, instead I just sat and waited - knowing that somebody would turn up to the futuristic room eventually. I didn't have to wait long. A tall, slender woman; with shoulder-length grey hair, curled elegantly into a lionesses' mane paced in. She seemed to be of Indian descent and in her mid to late 40s, though it was difficult to be sure - as her face was glowing with make-up.

"Hannah Bosworth," she stated, clutching a heavy file under one arm and reaching out for a handshake with the other, "My name is Miss Adwani, it's a pleasure to meet you."

I reached out and shook her hand, trying not to let my anxiety over the situation show. She gripped it firmly and looked into my eyes, as mine did everything they could to avoid her gaze. I gave a feeble acknowledgement, unable to muster any words. I'd always been good, I couldn't believe this was happening. How could I be so stupid to let this happen? Miss Adwani placed the large folder on the table and smiled in my direction. It was not the warmest of smiles, but it seemed like an attempt at one.

"Bless you. Is there anything that I can get for you? A drink, maybe?" I shook my head, not wanting this to drag on any longer than it needed to, "Okay, then I guess we'll make a start. Welcome to the RCF, Hannah, it's a delight to have you here. I am your assigned handler for the duration of your stay which I believe to be three years."

She paused to check the folder again and nodded, "Yes, three years. I don't know how much you've been told about this place, but we tend to run our punishments a little bit differently. Every subject in the facility has a slightly different punishment to the others. Some are very similar; some are complete wildcards. So, you'll be in a completely unique situation compared to the other subjects. Are you following me so far?"

I nodded. It was all information that I'd been told before. They would explore a wide range of different testing methods, and if one seemed effective - they would then invest more resources into it.

"I don't know if you'll be happy or sad to hear that you have been selected for quite a unique experiment. I must admit, I'm not sure how you're going to react to this - Hannah, darling," she said, immediately snapping her fingers.

As if on command, the door behind her and a guard (in a grey uniform with a black mask) stepped forward with something in his hands, that he immediately passed over to Miss Adwani. I didn't get a clear view of it until it was slammed down on the table in front of me. It appeared to be a slab of a cotton plastic material.

"Do you know what this is, Hannah?"

I shook my head nervously, certain that I didn't want to know the answer.

"This is an adult diaper. It's what you're going to be spending the next three years in, darling."

I would love to say that I stood up and yelled in defiance. That I screamed and called Miss Adwani every name under the sun; making it absolutely clear that I would never in a million years wear an adult diaper. That would be lying, though. Instead, I sat there - my blood running cold and my throat unable to muster a sound as I looked at the bulky diaper that sat in front of me. I knew she wasn't joking, or bluffing, or anything like that - she was completely serious. That was the moment it became clear what I was dealing with.

I sat there numbly, making no effort of resistance as a guard appeared at either side of me; picked me up and held me onto the table. I recall being surprised that they needed two of them, given my small frame; but I suppose they expected an extra burst of adrenaline to fight back. There was no fight-back. I started into emptiness, trying my best not to cry as Miss Adwani removed my beige bottoms and tossed them aside. I held my breath as she slipped down my black panties and closed my eyes as the guards lifted my ass up to slide the padding of the diaper beneath me. One cough of baby powder and four tapes later, I was secured into my first ever adult diaper. The guards did not relent, however.

"Now Hannah, I suspect in time - that you will earn my trust and will learn to behave yourself; but for now, I am going to need a little bit of extra security," she said, taking something large and metallic from one of the guards. "I hope you won't hold this against me, but this is a belt which will hold your diaper in place - until I'm ready to remove it."

I made a gasping sound as the cold metal pressed against my lower stomach and clicked into place. Miss Adwani then took another metal strip and attached one end to the front of my stomach and one end to the back, the arch going beneath my diapered crotch. It clicked into place, as she twisted a key into a mechanism behind my back. I didn't need to bother touching the metal to know that it wasn't going to budge without either the key or very heavy equipment... which I was very unlikely to find in the facility.

With my diaper now impossible to remove, the guards relented and I was able to sit up and nervously hop off of the table and back to my chair. My handler returned to her seat opposite, the more confident expression on her face making it very clear that the dynamic in the room was not the same that it had been thirty seconds ago.

"Good girl, Hannah. I think most of our subjects would've put up at least some fight - but you were very brave," I couldn't tell whether she meant to sound so insulting with her words. "All of the handlers have a key to your diaper, so you will come to either myself or one of them when you need a change."

"A- a- change?" I burst out, the first words I'd properly spoken in a long while, brought on by the sudden surprise of what she had said.

She laughed and shook her head in disbelief, "I thought you were supposed to be a smart one, darling. How were you planning on removing that to use the bathroom? You'll need to find somebody to change you out of your mess when the time comes. Now, is that understood?"

My face went white as bone, as I gave a weak nod.

"I said - is that understood?" she repeated, firmer.

"Yes, Miss," I said, bowing my head to hide the rage that lingered on my face.

"Good girl," she said, as she tossed me a pleated grey skirt, "Now put this on to cover up that fluffy underwear of yours, it's time to show you around the Facility."
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