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Old 04-26-2024, 07:11 PM   #179
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- edge or ruin?
Edge 100%
- ruin or orgasm?
- Orgasm or be denied?
Depends on my mood. Sometimes I like being left frustrated. Other times I wanna cum.
- edge twice before bed or once when you wake up?
Twice before bed. I don’t usually wake up very early. Only with enough time to get ready so edging in the morning isn’t really feasible.
- ruin an orgasm or stop touching?
Stop touching. I think ruining is almost worst like I came but I’m not satisfied.
- edge once every hour or edge twelve times in a row?
12 times in a row
- ruin your next five orgasms or have nine ruined orgasms with a random full orgasm?
9 ruined with a random full orgasm.
- touch yourself or touch someone else?
Touch myself
- make yourself cum or make someone else cum?
- be denied for a week for a ruin or be denied for a month for a full orgasm?
Denied for a month with a full orgasm.
- be overstimulated or understimulated?
Overstimulated. I love forced orgasms.
- not be allowed to release or be tortured post-orgasm?
Tortured with post-orgasm
- only be allowed one edge per day or allowed seven edges per week?
Ends up being the same amount. I guess 7 edges per week so I can do multiple edges on one day since I’m not always in the mood everyday.
- not touch all next month for an orgasm or edge every day next month for five ruins?
Not touch for the next month for an orgasm
- go every other month for a year of no touch or go six months straight no touch?
Every other month. I don't think I can last 6 months without touching.
22, non-binary, AFAB (they/them)

Last orgasm: 04/25/2024

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