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Old 04-13-2024, 10:40 PM   #25
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 268

Custom dare from me. Since you have so many sex toys let’s take advantage of that!

Scatter ALL of your sex toys randomly around your home, without planning which ones end up where or paying any attention to where they land. Include at least 2 lengths of rope, at least 4 clothes pins, your tiger balm, and any other household items you commonly use as sex toys. Leave at least 1 room empty of toys to use as a base.

Start the dare in your base room. Blindfold yourself. Get on all fours. Crawl around your home looking for sex toys. You may only remove your blindfold or stand up when you are in your base room with the door closed so you can’t see any other rooms.

Once you find a sex toy, if it can be worn/attached/inserted, you must do so for the rest of the dare. If you can’t do so because you already have too many toys worn or inserted where it goes, take out one of the old toys and carry it back to your base room in your mouth. The first length of rope you find ties your ankles together no more than 4 inches apart, the 2nd one ties your hands together no more than 4 inches apart. Clothes pins go on your nipples and labia in any order, can obviously be moved if this takes too long. If you choose to use more rope or clothes pins you decide where they go.

If the toy you find isn’t meant to be worn, you must use it on yourself how and as much as you’d put in a keyword dare like the ones at the start of the thread for that toy. Then you must pick it up in your mouth and return it to your base room before searching for more toys.

Every time a toy falls off anywhere other than your pussy, spank yourself 5 times. Every time a toy falls out of your pussy, spank yourself once. This is lighter because with how many dildos you’ll be shoving up there I’m guessing keeping them in place is going to be really hard, but if you’re feeling confident you can do 5 spanks per time.

You finish the dare once all toys are either on you or in your base room. Have fun!
27M, straight

Interested in: giving dares, designing complicated dares, receiving reports
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