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Old 04-07-2024, 08:41 PM   #402
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Somewhere too cold...
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by The.Pillager View Post
For this dare, you will dress in jeans with a belt, a buttoned shirt, bra and panties and if appropriate for the weather a jacket with zippers or buttons. Drink 15 oz of liquid and then go to the mall. Bring a water bottle with you. Once you arrive at the mall, you will fill up the bottle and drink it as quickly as possible. Find a place to shop at and go into the change room and edge. After you edge, continue shopping for about another 10-15mins, then fill the bottle up again with water and drink it. Keep doing this for another 2 rounds or until you have an urge to pee, whichever is longer. At that point you will edge once more but will not require to fill up the bottle.

You will walk to the guest services and request the nearest MENS bathroom and follow their instructions there. If you are too shy to do that, then you must walk to the furtherest MENS bathroom from where you ended up. It cannot be one of the ones that’s a single stall. It must be one where there’s a row of urinals and some stalls. And you will select the furthest stall and if is in use stand outside and wait for it to become available.

Inside the stall, in order to be allowed to pee, you must strip naked in the stall, edge once more. Only after completing the edge are you allowed to release your pee into your bottle. You will drink the bottle on your way home until it is empty.

Let us know when you try this!
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