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Old 10-02-2011, 02:45 PM   #1
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 2,765
World The Weather Decides (dare game)

A dare game for 1 or 2 players where the weather will decide your fate.

Single play: Choose a dare to do, maybe using some random procedure like
or similar. Or let someone else choose for you. Then you declare that you
will do the dare with a message where you state the dare and choose even
or odd. Next, use the cnn weather report for NY city, and if the Hi for that
next day at 6 pm is what you have chosen (even or odd) then you must do
the dare.

Look here for the weather Hi value the next day after you declared the dare:

The 2 player dare game: One player, A, declares a dare, and if another
player, B, is game, then this person writes a message declaring this and
will do the dare choosen by A if the Hi the next day is not what A said.

So, a 50/50 chance to show your braveness but not having to do a thing!

(It can even be done by 3 or more players: If the Hi is evenly divisible by
3 you have X, if Hi+1 is evenly divisible by 3 you have Y, and if Hi+2 is evenly
divisible by 3 you have Z.)
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