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Old 10-02-2011, 02:43 PM   #6
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Eye Chapter Two - The Food Chain (WARNING - Bad Scenes)

Swimming requires you to up and ready very earlier, almost every morning.*

So I was up and ready by 5:00am the next morning, in my swimmers and track suit. My dad dropped me right out front and I walked in. I was the first to arrive apart from the coach who was writing the set up on the board.*

"Hey Ben" Coach Turner said, briefly looking up from the board.*

"Hey Coach" I replied, continuing to walk towards the change rooms.*

I pushed open the change room door and let it slam shut behind me, letting the sound ring in my ears. I put my bag down on the bench closest to the door in case the guys tried to have a go at me. They always did. Just because they were jocks and I was an emo.*

I sat on the bench and started to undress, removing my shoes and socks. Then my shirt and finally my pants, leaving me in my red speedo's. I grabbed my googles and walked over to the pool.*

As I walked the door opened, the Captian Nick and his three mates walked in all together. They were all 17, the top of the swim squad, and what they said went. They were the ones who gave me the hardest time of all. They were jocks and sat at the rugby table.*

They were also amazingly hot. They had body's of steel, rippling muscles all over and six packs to top it off. They all had brown hair which looked like gold in the sun light, but the hair on their heads was the only hair they had, because the rest was either shaved or waxed. To let them go as fast as possible in the water.*

Every part of them attracted people, men and women alike. Even their voices attracted you, they were like angels from heaven, but they weren't. In my view they were the devils from Hell.*

I walked a bit faster towards the pool to try and avoid them, but they beat me to it and stopped me in my tracks.*

"Hey Pip squeak, where you going so fast" spat Nick.*

I could the other three jeering at me behind him.*

"To the pool, to start the set" I said, trying not to keep eye contact.*

"Well make sure you don't tire yourself out, because we have a nice little surprise for you after the squad" said Nick.*

I didn't bother answering and pushed past them. Walking to the pool even quicker than before, getting my googles on so I could just dive in when I got there.*

I got to the edge of the pool wondering what Nick had meant by a surprise, but didn't give it a second thought and dived in the pool, starting the set.*

The set finished two hours later and by then I was exhausted. I was also fed up with Nick and his mates, who had been constantly trying to grab me and push me under the water for the entire session.*

So when the squad finished, I jumped out of the pool and raced to the change rooms, making sure that I was the first one there. I grabbed my towel and started to dry down as fast as possible, to try leave before Nick and his gang could even try and give me their surprise. Which I thought probably wasn't something I was going to enjoy.*

I had just finished drying off, when I heard the change room door open and people pile in. I turned around to see who it was and was greated by the one and only! Nick. Oh, joy.*

"Hey, little Benny, was wondering where you had run off to. Didn't want you to miss your surprise" Nick said.*

Great I thought, he remembered. I tried to gather up my gear and get out of there but when I went to reach for it I could feel anything. Nicks friends had grabbed it all, the retards. I turned to Nick.*

"Give it Back" I said, trying to sound calm and demanding as possible.*

"No, not yet," said Nick "First we are going to play a little game, then maybe I will give you back some of your things"*

I thought about this for a second, having no idea what this game might be, but decided that It was worth playing if I got back my stuff.*

"Fine" I said.*

"Good, now let's play this away from prying eyes" He said, grabbing my arm at the same time and guiding me towards the disabled toilets, were his mates were waiting with my stuff.*

We walked inside the change room. I could here Nicks mates shutting the door behind us and chucking my gear onto a bench. I was starting to feel unsure about this, not knowing what was going to happen. I looked around the change room, it was deserted, apart from my bag in the far corner. I*

started to walk towards it. Nick appeared in front of me, blocking my route.*

"Uh ah, No bag for you just yet. First we have to play or game. Remember." He said, giving me a evil smile.*

"Fine," I said, "What's this game anyways?"*

"It's a version of truth or dare" Nick said, "but you will be the only person doing the truths and dares."

I was shocked at his answer. This could end really badly for me, he could find out all sorts of bad things if I told the truth. I would have to lie Also never to chose dare, to make sure that I didn't do something that could scar me forever.*

"Fine" I said, trying to keep calm, knowing this would end badly.*

"Good," Nick said "Now here are the rules, for every two truths you must pick a dare, (shit, I thought, there goes my plan), if I ever believe you are lying when you answer a truth or if you choose to skip a dare, you will get one punishment dare which you must take, and you complete at least 5 turns in order to get back your stuff, with out getting a punishment dare"*

It was easy enough, I thought. He didn't know much about me so he wouldn't be able to tell if I was lying, and hopefully the dare would be easy enough. As my new plan was to do two truths then one dare and then another two truths, making five turns in total. Which would get me back my stuff.*

"Let's get this started with" I said "Firstly I would like a truth"*

"Ok," said Nick sitting down on a bench opposite me. He thought about his question for a while, letting me slowly get anxcious about what his question would be. Finnally after what felt like eternity Nick spoke.*

"Are you straight, bi, or gay? And remember if you lie you will get a punishment." He said.*

"Straight" I replied saying what I always said when I got this question. Only one other had ever heard a different answer, but that person had left the school ages ago. Taking the secret with him.*

"You lie" said Nick.*

"No, I don't, I promise." I said, trying to think of what might have made Nick think I was lieing.*

"I know you lie, because I have seen you in your bush shelter, moaning about how you love Jake, how you want him to be yours." Nick said.*

"No, this isn't true" I said, trying to defy what he had said, but knowing what he had said was true.*

How could he have found out about my shelter and when had he heard me. Why was he spying on me.*

"Admit it" Nick said grabbing my wrist and forcing me to face him.*"Admit that your gay and say it loud enough for everyone to hear."*

I was terrified at what was happening, this was bad. I had to do what he said or I would be hurt. He might not have said it, but I knew he would hurt me. It's how the food chain worked, the lower you were the worse you ended up.*

"Fine, I am gay. Happy Now." I wispered, I was afraid.*

"No, say it louder so everyone can hear."Nick said, tightening his grip on my arm.*

"I am gay" I said, stronger than before, but in an ashamed way. This isn't what I wanted.*

"Louder!" Nick said, forcing to lie on the ground. "Or else"*

"I AM GAY" I screamed, making sure everyone could hear me.*

"Good" said Nick. "Boys come here and hold down his wrists and legs, for me"*

"Yes Boss" All three of them replied, walking over to where we were. Two of them grabbed my legs, while the other grabbed my arms.*

"Right, now Ben," Nick said, "Since you have finally come out, an are in no condition to argue. I am going to have some fun with you."*

Nick started to run his hands over my body, caressing each sensitive place. My nipples, neck, mouth, armpits, then he started to move down my body, towards my pride.

His hands had no boundaries, he ran his hands over my speedo's, tracing the outline of my hardening cock. He continued to run his hands down my body, down the inside of my legs, down to my feet.

He started to tickle me feet, it was torture, tickle torture. I wriggle around trying to free myself from the grasp of the boys, but to no success, they just held me down tighter. I knew there was no escape till Nick had lost interest.

Nick ran his hands back up my body, to my speedos again. He started to trace my cock again. Which was almost fully erect, trying to burst out of the red speedos.
He grabbed the sides of my speedo's, slowly pulling them down.*

"No" I yelled, trying to break away from the boys grips on me. I kicked and trashed about, managing to get one foot free. I kicked towards Nick, getting him in the side of his face. He grabbed my foot and pushed it back down, letting his mate take hold of it again, even tighter than before.

"Yes, you stupid gay boy, you will please me, till I have had enough. Only then will you get back your stuff, now stay still or I will hurt you even more." Nick said, punching me in the stomach at the same time.

It felt like a train was running into me. He hit me again and again, till I was gasping in pain. The pain was unbearable, I knew that if I resisted again, the punches would start again.

His hands moved back to my speedos, yanking them down in one swift movement, letting my cock stand up straight.*

"Wow, your cocks bigger than I expected, but not as big as mine" Nick said, pulling down the front of his speedos to revel his cock. It was huge, but it wasn't even hard yet.

"Do you know how to suck cock boy?" Nick asked, moving towards my face.

"No, please don't make me" I said, starting to cry, I was terrified at what he was doing, I knew that I was gay, but I didn't want this.

"Well it's never to late to learn" Nick said grabbing my face and forcing my mouth open. He started to put his cock in my mouth, I could feel it hardening, getting more solid inside my mouth.

"Suck me off Ben, or I will fuck you like there's no tomorrow" Nick said, pushing his cock further into my mouth.*

I started to suck, moving my head back and forth along his shaft. Pushing my tongue around the tip of his cock, I wanted it to be over so I could go to my hide out and cry.

Nick continued to push his cock into my mouth. Deeper and deeper, till it went down my throat. Blocking my air way so I couldn't breathe. I started to panic, trying to push Nick away, but he kept putting his cock in my mouth. I could feel my body gasping for air, but none came. My vision started to become blurry, I gave one last attempt to push Nick away, to get some air, but the attempt was to much. I saw blackness cover my vision and I fell unconscious.*

My unconscious naked body being held down by three guys while the Swimming Captain, fucked my face. Raping a 15 year old, thinking it was fun.

Nick was the first to realize, I was unconscious and pulled *his cock out of my mouth, spraying his load all over my face. His cum making me even whiter. He yelled at his mates telling them to get out of here, all of them running out of the room. Realizing what they had done.

It was another two hours before my body was found. Still naked and covered in cum. It was found by a person, that *stayed with me till I woke up and when I did I was shocked to see who it was.
Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.
- Grandma Moses
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