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Old 02-03-2024, 06:51 AM   #10
Adorable Asshole
FrostbittenSoul's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2020
Location: Canada
Posts: 981



During this game, a single dice is used to randomly determine which task you must perform next from a long list of tasks. Since you don't have a lot of time, I made most of the tasks very simple and quick to do, but there are a few included that are a little more involved and will take a little longer to complete.

The game is also designed so that you can play it as much as you like, and you still should get a good random pattern of tasks to complete. However, the more you play the game, the more challenging it will be to complete all the tasks without packing on some penalties.

The first time thru you will only have to complete 10 tasks before you're done, but there is also a penalty based on how many days you take to complete those tasks. The first time thru you will only have to complete 1 extra task per day as a penalty, but that will also increase each time you play.

Each time you play, you will add 5 more tasks to complete before you're done, so: 1st time thru = 10 tasks; 2nd time = 15 task; 3rd time = 20 tasks; 4th = 25 task; etc. At the same time, each time you start a new game, you will also increase the penalty for how many days you take, so: 1st time thru = 1 penalty task added per day; 2nd time = 2 penalty tasks added per day; 3rd time = 3 penalty tasks added per day; 4th = 4 penalty tasks added per day; etc. As you can see, it will eventually get very challenging to complete a round.

If the total number of tasks you're required to do, plus the added penalties for the require days to complete have gotten too far out of hand, you may need a forfeit. If that happens, just divide the total number of tasks remaining by 5. As a forfeit, you must then start a thread on GetDare and ask the community for that many punishments for losing the game. Just make sure you contact me, so I have the option of adding a punishment task as well.

Although not explicitly stated in each task, you must be naked while doing all these tasks, unless otherwise specified within the task. Whenever you are doing impact play, you must hit yourself as hard as you can stand. You are also responsible for you own safety while doing these task. If the torture and torment gets too much, stop immediately. You health and safety is more important than completing a list of tasks.


The first time you play, you will start by rolling 1 dice and start counting from task #1 on the list. If you have to complete the tasks over a few day, you will start by rolling 1 dice and start counting from where you left off on the list the last time you played.

After you have completed the task, you will roll again and count ahead that many times to get to your next task from the list. When the last task on the list is reached, you must circle around and start counting again from task #1. You must keeping rolling the dice and doing the tasks each day as time permits until the required numbers of tasks are all completed. Just remember to add in the penalty tasks for taking more than one day to complete them all.

If you cannot complete a task as stated for any reason, you may make a reasonable substitution, or a reasonable change, just make sure you make note of it when you write up your report. If you land on a task that you want to skip for any medical or emergency reasons, or for any unforeseen circumstance, then you may skip that task and roll again without receiving a penalty. This is just for fun after all.


[#001] SNAPS: Using a wet rubber band, administer 10 full-intensity snaps to the sole of each of your feet, using a hard pull-back.

[#002] CLAMPING: Clamp 6 clothespins spread out over each tit, and 1 clothespin on each nipple. Leave the clothespins there for 5 minutes. When the times is up, remove all the clothespins by hitting them off with a ruler.

[#003] BODY WRITING: Write "SLUT!" on your body using bright red lip stick (or something else that won't easily come off). Leave it there while doing other tasks.

[#004] CLAMPING: Clamp 6 clothespins spread out over each tit, and 1 clothespin on each nipple. Stand and spread your legs and feet far apart. Using a ruler, hit your pussy very hard 20 times, then hit your clit very hard 10 times, then hit all the clothespins off your tits and nipples.

[#005] HOT WAX: Slowly drip 10 drops of hot wax on each of your nipples. Wait 5 minutes, then remove the candle wax by hitting it off with a ruler.

[#006] IMPACT PLAY: Using the back side of a hairbrush, hit each of your tits 50 times. You may take 2 short breaks while completing this task.

[#007] SNAPS: Using a wet rubber band, administer 10 full-intensity snaps to each of your nipples, using a hard pull-back.

[#008] CLAMPING: Clamp as many clothespins on your pussy lips as you possibly can fit, and leave them there for 5 minutes. When the time is up, remove 1 clothespin, then hit your clit 15 times with a ruler (or something similar). Wait 1 minute, then remove the next clothespin, and repeat the 15 hits to your clit. Keep repeating this step until all the clothespins are removed.

[#009] SLAPPING: Using your hand, slap your clit hard 20 times. You must then stop for 1 minute, then repeat 2 more times. (Your legs must be spread wide.)

[#010] CLAMPING: Clamp 8 clothespins on your pussy lips, and 20 more on your tits. Remove all the clothespins 1 at a time by pulling them off.

[#011] ABUSE (Nipples): Using your finger, twist, pull, and tug on both your nipples very hard for 2 minutes.

[#012] MANTRA: While completing the next 3 tasks you land on, you must recite this mantra out loud: "I am a worthless little fuck-toy!"

[#013] IMPACT PLAY: Using a ruler, hit your clit very hard 10 times. (Your legs must be spread wide.)

[#014] IMPACT PLAY: Coat your pussy and clit with toothpaste. Using the back of a hairbrush, spank your pussy and clit 25 times.

[#015] IMPACT PLAY: Using the bristle side of a hairbrush, hit each of your tits 50 times. You may take 2 short breaks while completing this task.

[#016] SNAPS: Using a wet rubber band, administer 25 full-intensity snaps to each nipple, then administer 25 full-intensity snaps to your clit.

[#017] HOT WAX: Slowly drip 10 drops of hot wax on your clit. Wait 5 minutes, then remove the candle wax by hitting it off with a ruler.

[#018] CLAMPING: Attach 3 clothespins together by a shoe laces or heavy string in a "Y" formation. Attach a clothespin on each of your nipples, and 1 clothespin on your clit. Wait 5 minutes the grab the sting and rip of the 3 clothespins at once.

[#019] COLD PLAY: Rub an ice cube again both your nipples until they both melt.

[#020] CLAMPING: Clamp a clothespins on each of your nipples for 30 minutes. (Continue doing other tasks with the clamps on your nipples. If other tasks require the use of you nipples, you may removed the clothespins, then re-clamp them after completing the task.)

[#021] SCRUBBING: Scrub each of your nipples with a toothbrush covered in toothpaste for 2 minutes, then brush your teeth with the same toothbrush.

[#022] BODY WRITING: Write "I AM A PAIN SLUT!" on your tits in bright red lipstick (or something else that won't easily come off). Leave it there while doing other tasks.

[#023] IMPACT PLAY: Using a ruler, hit each of your butt-cheeks very hard 25 times.

[#024] ABUSE (Nipples): Using your fingers, pinch and pull your nipples 10 times each.

[#025] ABUSE (Nipples): Using your fingers, tug on and twist each of your nipples for 5 minutes.

[#026] ABUSE (Nipples): Using your hands and fingers, squeeze, twist, and pull very hard on both your nipples for 5 minutes.

[#027] ABUSE (Nipples): Using your fingers, pinch your nipples for 5 minutes.

[#028] SNAPS: Coat each of your nipples with toothpaste. Using a wet rubber band, administer snaps to both your nipples until all the toothpaste is removed.

[#029] SCRUBBING: Coat your pussy and clit with the toothpaste. Grab a toothbrush and slowly scrub and rub up and down your pussy and clit 25 times. When done, slap your pussy and clit very hard 10 times with your hand then brush your teeth with the toothbrush.

[#030] CLAMPING: Clamp 3 clothespins on each of your pussy lips, then clamp 1 clothespin on your clit. Leave the clothespins there for 5 minutes. When the times is up, remove all the clothespins by hitting them off with a ruler.

[#031] CLAMPING: Clamps 6 clothespins on each of your pussy lips, and 1 on your clit. Leave them there for 5 minutes.

[#032] COLD PLAY: Strip down to your panties then put 4 ice cubes in the front, and 4 in the rear. Leave them there until they melt completely.

[#033] CORNER TIME: Hold a coin to the wall with your nose, then smack your ass very hard with your hand for 2 minutes. If you let the coin drop, you must start again.

[#034] COLD PLAY: Take a shower using only cold water. You must remain under the cold spray for 5 minutes.

[#035] CORNER TIME: Clamp 1 clothespin on each nipple, 1 on your clit, and 1 on your tongue. Get a book and go kneel in a corner. Place the book on the floor in front of you and open it to a random page. Grab your ankles, and don't let go. Read a page of the book out loud, as clear as you can with perfect posture. After reading the entire page, roll a dice. If you roll a 6, you are free, otherwise you must read another page and try again.

[#036] IMPACT PLAY: Using a shoe, hit your pussy and clit very hard 25 times. (Your legs must be spread wide.)

[#037] EXERCISE: Clamp 6 clothespins on each of your tits, and 1 clothespin on each nipple. Stand up and do 25 jumping jacks. If the clothespins fall off while doing the jumping jacks, you must put them back on your nipples, and start over.

[#038] CLAMPING: Clamp 4 clothespins on each tit and 1 on each nipple, then run a string through the little holes on each clothespins, so they can be ripped off in one quick motion. Leave the clothespins on for 5 minutes. When the time is up, grab the string and rip all the clothespins off in one quick pull.

[#039] SPANKING: Using your hand, spank each of your butt-checks 50 times as hard as you can, not as hard as you can stand.

[#040] HUMILIATION: Get on all fours and crawl around your home for 5 minutes.

[#041] MOUTH SOAPING: Put a bar of soap into your mouth and hold it between your teeth while completing the next 2 tasks you land on that don't require the use of your mouth.

[#042] ABUSE (Clit): Using your finger, flick your clit 30 times.

[#043] SCRUBBING: Scrub your pussy and clit with a toothbrush covered in toothpaste for 2 minutes, then brush your teeth with the same toothbrush.

[#044] LINE WRITING: Get a piece of paper and a pen and write: "This fuck-toy is available for getDare to use 24/7!" [# times on the paper. After every line, slap your pussy and clit with your hand.

[#045] SLAPPING: Using your hand, slap each of your nipples hard 10 times. You must then stop for 1 minute, then repeat 2 more times.

[#046] CLAMPING: Clamp 1 clothespin to each nipple, the rip it off. Repeat 5 times.

[#047] ABUSE (Butt-Cheeks): Place a hairbrush with the bristles facing up on a hard surface, then sit on the bristles of the hairbrush for 15 minutes. The bristles must be in direct contact with your butt-cheeks.

[#048] ABUSE (Tits & Nipples): Wrap 3 rubber band tightly around the base of each of your tits. Using a ruler, whack each of your nipples 25 times.

[#049] HUMILIATION: Get down on all fours and be a table for 10 minutes.

[#050] SPANKING: Using your hand, spank your pussy and clit [# times as hard as you can, not as hard as you can stand.

[#051] SCRUBBING: Apply some toothpaste liberally to your pussy and clit. Using a hairbrush, scrub your clit and pussy as hard as you can handle for 2 minutes. Reapply the toothpaste and do it again for 2 more minutes.

[#052] HUMILIATION: Start fully dressed, then do a strip tease and dance erotically for 5 minutes. While you are dancing, you must really shake your tits, ass and hips as much as possible.

[#053] IMPACT PLAY: Using a ruler, hit each of your nipples, each of your butt-cheek, your pussy, and your clit 25 times each.

[#054] BODY WRITING: Write 5 dirty words on your pubic area. Leave them there while doing other tasks.

[#055] GAGGING: Gag yourself with a sock for 30 minutes. (Continue doing other tasks while gagged. If other tasks require the use of your mouth, you may removed the gag, then re-gag yourself after completing the task.)

[#056] BINDING: Put a piece of duct tape over both your nipples making sure it is secured down and then pull it off very quickly. Repeat this 5 times.

[#057] BODY WRITING: Write 5 dirty words on your tits. Leave them there while doing other tasks.

[#058] BINDING: Bind both your nipples together with string for 2 minutes.

[#059] SPANKING: Wet both of your tits with water, then spank each tit 10 times very hard with your hand.

[#060] COLD PLAY: Rub an ice cube against your clit until it melts.

[#061] ABUSE (Tits & Nipples): Using your hands and fingers, squeeze your tits and nipples very hard for 5 minutes.

[#062] IMPACT PLAY: Using the back side of a hairbrush, hit each of your butt-cheeks 50 times. You may take 2 short breaks while completing this task.

[#063] ABUSE (Clit): Using your finger, tease your clit by rolling it between your thumb and forefinger for 2 minutes, then squeeze and tug on it for 2 minutes.

[#064] ABUSE (Clit): Clamp a clothespin right on your clit, then wait on your knees for 5 minutes. Remove the clothespin, then spread your pussy lips and give your clit 25 hard hits with a ruler.

[#065] IMPACT PLAY: Using a back of the hairbrush, hit your pussy 25 times. Using a ruler, hit your pussy 25 times. Using a leather belt, hit your pussy 25 times.

[#066] ABUSE (Nipples): Using your finger, tease your nipples by rolling them between your thumb and forefinger for 2 minutes, then squeeze and tug on them for 2 minutes.

[#067] EXERCISE: Clamp 6 clothespins on each of your tits, and 1 clothespin on each nipple. Get on the floor and do 25 lunges. If the clothespins fall off while doing the jumping jacks, you must put them back on your nipples, and start over.

[#068] IMPACT PLAY: Using the back side of a hairbrush, hit your pussy 50 times. You may take 2 short breaks while completing this task.

[#069] IMPACT PLAY: Lie on your bed with your knees up, and your legs spread wide apart. Using a leather belt, hit your pussy 20 times, then hit directly to your clit 15 times.

[#070] BODY WRITING: Write "FUCK-TOY" on your body using bright red lip stick (or something else that won't easily come off). Leave it there while doing other tasks.

[#071] SPANKING: Wet both of your butt-cheeks with water, then spank each butt-cheek 10 times very hard with your hand.

[#072] EXERCISE: Clamp 6 clothespins on each of your tits, and 1 clothespin on each nipple. Get on the floor and do 25 sit-ups. If the clothespins fall off while doing the jumping jacks, you must put them back on your nipples, and start over.

[#073] ABUSE (Clit): Using your fingers, pinch your clit for 5 minutes.

[#074] BINDING: Wrap at least 5 rubber bands tightly around both of your tits, then leave them there for 5 minutes.

[#075] HUMILIATION: Lick the bottom of the shoes you wear daily from heel to toe for 2 minutes each.

[#076] SNAPS: Using a wet rubber band, administer 10 full-intensity snaps to your clit, using a hard pull-back.

[#077] CORNER TIME: Put some toothpaste on your clit, then get your toothbrush and stand in a corner facing the wall. Using the toothbrush, scrub you clit for 5 minutes, with the other hand remaining on the wall. If for some reason you hand breaks contact with the wall, you must add 5 minutes of scrubbing, every time it happens.

[#078] COLD PLAY: Rub an ice cube on your clit, while you alternate rubbing an ice cube between both your nipples until they all melt.

[#079] IMPACT PLAY: Using the bristle side of a hairbrush, hit your pussy 50 times. You may take 2 short breaks while completing this task.

[#080] SLAPPING: Using your hand, slap each of your butt-cheeks hard 10 times. You must then stop for 1 minute, then repeat 2 more times.

[#081] SNAPS: Coat your clit with toothpaste. Using a wet rubber band, administer snaps to your clit until all the toothpaste is removed.

[#082] MANTRA: While completing the next 3 tasks you land on, you must recite this mantra out loud: "I love being used and abused!"

[#083] SLAPPING: Using your hand, slap each of your tits hard 10 times. You must then stop for 1 minute, then repeat 2 more times.

[#084] GAGGING: Gag yourself with a pair of panties with for 30 minutes. (Continue doing other tasks while gagged. If other tasks require the use of your mouth, you may removed the gag, then re-gag yourself after completing the task.)

[#085] IMPACT PLAY: Using the bristle side of a hairbrush, hit each of your butt-cheeks 50 times. You may take 2 short breaks while completing this task.

[#086] MOUTH SOAPING: Soak a bar of soap in hot water for 5 minutes to get it good and soft. You must then put the bar of soap in your mouth and suck on it for 2 minutes. (Yuck!)

[#087] SNAPS: Using a wet rubber band, administer 25 snaps to each nipple. When the snaps are done, clamp each nipple with a clothespin and leave them there for 15 minutes. While waiting for the time to expire, use the wet rubber band to administer 25 snaps to your clit. After every 5 snaps to your clit, slap your pussy and clit with your hand.

[#088] SLAPPING: Using your hand, slap your pussy hard 20 times. You must then stop for 1 minute, then repeat 2 more times. (Your legs must be spread wide.)

[#089] LINE WRITING: Get a piece of paper and a pen and write: "I love being used and abuse!" [# times on the paper. After every line, slap your pussy and clit with your hand.

[#090] SLAPPING: Using your hand, slap each of your tits 30 times, slap each nipple 25 times, slap your pussy 20 times, then slap your clit 15 times.

[#091] CLAMPING: Clamps 10 clothespins on each of your tits, and 1 on each of your nipples. Leave them there for 5 minutes.

[#092] ABUSE (Clit): Using your fingers, tug on and twist your clit for 5 minutes.

[#093] IMPACT PLAY: Using a ruler, hit each of your nipples very hard 25 times.

[#094] IMPACT PLAY: Using a belt, hit your clit softly. Wait 5 seconds then do it again, only harder. Keep going harder and harder each time. Keep doing this until you cannot possibly take one more hit.

[#095] HOT WAX: Slowly drip 10 drops of wax your pussy lips. Using your hand, slap you pussy hard 20 times. Slowly pour another 10 drops of wax on pussy lips, and 5 drops on your clit. Wait 5 minutes, then remove the candle wax by hitting it off with a ruler.

[#096] HUMILIATION: Mash up a banana on the floor with your bare feet, you must lick it up and eat the banana off of the floor.

[#097] SNAPS: Using a wet rubber band, administer 10 full-intensity snaps to the palm of each of your hand, using a hard pull-back.

[#098] EXERCISE: Clamp 6 clothespins on each of your tits, and 1 clothespin on each nipple. Get on the floor and run on the spot for 5 minutes. If the clothespins fall off while doing the jumping jacks, you must put them back on your nipples, and start over.

[#099] ABUSE (Clit): Clamp a clothespin right on your clit, then wait on your knees for 5 minutes. Remove the clothespin and melt an ice cube melt on your clit. Once the ice cube is melted, administer 25 rubber band snaps to your clit.

[#[#] HUMILIATION: Put your plate of food on the floor before eating your next meal, then you must eat your food without using any utensils or your hands. Once the food is gone, you must lick the plate clean with your tongue.

[#101] SNAPS: Using a wet rubber band, administer 10 full-intensity snaps to each of your tits, using a hard pull-back.

[#102] MANTRA: While completing the next 3 tasks you land on, you must recite this mantra out loud: "This is what a fuck-toy deserves!"

[#103] CLAMPING: Tie 12 clothespins to a doorknob with the string, then attach 3 clothespins to each tit, 1 to each nipple, and 2 to each pussy lip. Walk backwards until each of the clothespins is pulled off.

[#104] IMPACT PLAY: Using the back of a hairbrush, hit your pussy 25 time, then turn it over and do 25 more smacks with the bristle side.

[#105] BODY WRITING: Write "FUCK-MEAT" on your body using bright red lip stick (or something else that won't easily come off). Leave it there while doing other tasks.

[#106] HUMILIATION: You must eat and swallow 3 raw eggs.

[#107] SCRUBBING: Apply some toothpaste liberally to your pussy and clit. Using a scouring pad, scrub your clit and pussy as hard as you can handle for 5 minutes. Reapply the toothpaste and do it again for 5 minutes.

[#108] SLAPPING: Get in front of a mirror and look at yourself. You must then count out loud each time you slap your face 10 times on each cheek.

[#109] CLAMPING: Clamp 6 clothespins on each of your tits, 4 on your pussy lips, and 1 on your clit. Using a ruler, hit each butt-cheek very hard 50 times. After that, hit each nipple very hard 25 times, then hit your pussy and clit very hard 15 times each with the ruler. If there are any clothespins still attached after all that, hit them off with the ruler.

[#110] COLD PLAY: Strip down to only your bra then put 3 ice cubes in each cup and leave them there until they melt.

[#111] ABUSE (Pussy): Using your hands and fingers, stretch your pussy lips for 5 minutes.

[#112] IMPACT PLAY: Using a ruler, hit your pussy very hard 25 times. (Your legs must be spread wide.)

[#113] CLAMPING: Clamp a clothespin on each of your nipples for 2 minutes. When the time is up, rip them off without opening them. Repeat 3 times.

[#114] BODY WRITING: Write 5 dirty words somewhere on your body. Leave them there while doing other tasks.

[#115] SPANKING: Using your hand, spank each of your tits 50 times as hard as you can, not as hard as you can stand.

[#116] SLAPPING: Kneel in front of a mirror with your knees spread wide, then look at yourself. Using your hand, slap your face hard 5 times on each cheek, then slap your pussy and clit 5 times. Repeat 3 times.

<<< Loop back to the beginning and start counting from there >>>
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