Thread: Fiction: The Church Retreat
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Old 09-17-2011, 11:49 PM   #13
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Thank you guys for the compliments! Just to let you know, I do plan on finishing this story and depending on how well it goes there might be a sequel. And now, the story continues...

She continued to slide her pants further down. Then I realized why she was so embarrassed about taking off her pants.

Underneath, she was wearing a tight, sexy, black thong. I was totally speechless. I never would've expected this to happen to me in a million years. Chris seemed like he was completely shocked too, but not Beth. Beth had a smug grin on her face like she had just cheated on a test and gotten away with it.
"I swear I don't normally wear things like this!"
"Then why are you wearing it now?" Chris managed to stutter out.
Beth quickly explained, "Well, on the last retreat, I dared Kailee to only pack thongs for the next retreat we went on."
"Believe me, I wouldn't be wearing this if it weren't for that dare.
Satisfied with the answer and extremely distracted by the view we were getting, Chris and I remained silent.

"Anyway, truth or dare, Chris?"
"Wha... Oh, um dare."
"Shit, I mean truth!"
"Nope. No changing your answer," Beth said sternly.
Chris wasn't happy about this but grudgingly gave in to Beth's rules.
"Well, seeing as you're the only one who hasn't lost clothes yet, your dare is to strip completely..." Kailee said, clearly wanting someone to be more embarrassed than herself.
"What?!? You can't dare me to do that!"
It kind of surprised me too. I did not expect a dare that extreme.
"I'm not finished yet! Your dare is to strip completely and go for a quick swim in the lake. And you are to leave your clothes off after the dare is completed."
Wow, now it was REALLY extreme.
"There's no way I'm doing that!"
"It's either that or become our slave for the rest of the retreat," Beth retorted.
"I guess I'll..."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I should have another one up soon. Let me know what you guys think.

Last edited by tordman; 09-18-2011 at 08:15 PM.
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