Thread: Fiction: The Church Retreat
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Old 09-13-2011, 08:42 PM   #9
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Posts: 44

Thank you guys for the support. It really means a lot. So, as promised, the story continues...

"So what happened?!?" Ben and I both shouted, dying to know the answer.
"Beth and I decided to make it a little more interesting by playing a game called Truth or Dare."

"Isn't that game for, like, little kids?" I asked, surprised.
"Well, we play it a little differently..." Beth replied, looking at Kailee mischievously.
"What do you mean?" Chris asked and I wondered the same thing.
"We don't choose the same types of dares that little kids use and we changed some rules. It might be easier to explain if we just showed you. Would you like to play with us?" Kailee asked us "innocently."

To me this sounded like a no-brainer. Two attractive girls who wanted to play truth or dare in a secluded shack, hell yeah. I mean, what was the worst that could happen? The most extreme dare would probably to kiss someone. Hopefully, that would wind up being Kailee and I.
"Yeah, sure. I'm in," I said.
"Chris?" Beth asked hopefully.
"Uh, why not? So, what are the rules?"
Kailee explained, "No daring anyone to do something that will get them in trouble with the leaders and nothing too dangerous. Other than that, everything's fair game. And if you refuse to complete a dare or you lie when answering a question. You become the rest of the group's slave for the rest of the retreat."
"Okay," everyone agreed.

"So, who goes first?" I asked.
"How about you, Ben?" Kailee replied.
"Alright, Kailee. Truth or dare?"
"Do you like anyone at the moment?"
"As a matter of fact, I do."
Damn it! I should've asked who! Why am I so stupid?
"Chris, truth or dare?"
"How far have you gone with a girl?"
Wow. I think we skipped a couple steps here. This game is moving faster than I expected.
After hesitating a moment, Chris answered, "I got to second base with my ex-girlfriend last year."
"And what do you mean by second base?" Kailee asked, putting him on the spot even more.
"She let me feel her up and she gave me a handjob," Chris answered awkwardly.
Trying to move the game along, Chris asked, "Truth or dare, Beth?"
"How far have you been?"
Without flinching, she answered, "My ex-boyfriend and I gave each other oral."
"She isn't even a little embarrassed," I thought to myself. I wouldn't be that comfortable sharing stuff like that.
Shaken from my thoughts, Beth asked me, "Truth or dare, Ben?"
Not wanting to answer another question like that, I replied, "Dare."
Little did I know, this is where the game really started heating up...

Once again, all comments and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks for reading!

Last edited by tordman; 09-15-2011 at 08:27 PM.
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