Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 09-11-2011, 12:05 AM   #1603
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I quite enjoyed the Girl who waited. Its got a number of classic who elements. Turning up somewhere new, the exploration phase, and then solving the resulting issues. I think they've not only pulled off a good original single, but used it to set up a few points that will help to make sense of it all at the end of the season so we don't feel cheated when the Dr wont die.

As for the finale of miracle day,
Avoid holding anything heavy in your hands in the last 10 minutes. The whole BS East West pole was bad enough, but the way it ended was just the worst. All plot lines were tied up, but I've not felt so cheated for a long time. Its going to take something pretty special to make me watch another season, which is a real shame. Its been fantastic in the past.

Its not really a plot spoiler, but Im not going to spoil worse then that. But Im looking forward to the opinions of the fans in here.
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