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Old 03-04-2008, 04:40 PM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 33
Default Chapter IV: Diving into the barn

For once, I made it to breakfast on time given the fact that I did not wake up in someone elses bed! Josie, dressed in just her (very) short nightie, Flashergirl, who was wearing just a thin T-shirt and Bigboy19 who was in his shorts were already down there and I passed a nice hour talking to them while the staff gave them funny looks. I am sure Josie slept with our waiter as he did give us a more hearty breakfast than usual.

The weather was fantastic with the strong English summer sun beating down upon us as we trekked the twenty minute walk to the farm. Arriving just before eleven, and nearly getting squashed by a couple of farm vehicles we were showed to the same barn as before where Angelina was waiting for us.

`Morning', she said brightly as we crowded around her. `I've tested your inginuity, your logic and your squeamishness. Today, I am going to test your desire for the one million. The next barn is filled with mud from the farm including animal shit and stagnant water.' Angelina paused dramatic effect before continuing. `In there I have hidden a number of stars about four inches big. Gold ones are worth double the silver ones. There is one red star which is an automatic bye to the next round if found. The contestants have fifteen minutes to find as many stars as they can and put them in their bucket. Top four go through, with contestant with the lowest number of stars going out'

`The contestants must be naked, except for a pair of crocs for safety reasons and our eliminated contestants are wearing far too much!' she added.

Icum4u stripped down to a pair of white male boxers which were far too small for him, and caused the fly to be gaping open at the front. Lucy was wearing just a long skirt, exposing her large breasts hanging down to her chest.

`This is for you', she said and gave londonjames82 a French Maids outfit which her helpers had been wearing all week. It was in shiny PVC and came with rubber "knickers" and he struggled to get into it.

`Suits you', flashergirl said laughing at him.

It didn't take us long to strip and to put the plimsolls provided on. The barn next door was incredibly pungent, with my nostrils recoiling the moment the stench hit us as Angelina opened the door. It used to hold poultry and was about 50 metres long and twenty minutes wide with a raised platform two metres wide, and around half a metre from the ground at the back and front of the barn as well as down both sides. This meant that the non-players could meander around the barn without getting their feet dirty. Not fair really.

One of Angelina's maids (no, not londonjames82), handed out buckets to us which had the lid glued on, and a tiny slit in the top. I guessed this was to stop us losing all our stars if we slipped over.

The barn was actually quite warm. Its transparent roof let in lots of light and heat and this added to the foul smell inside. Slowly I slid down into the squelchy mud and headed for the centre. I could see flashergirl and bigboy19 to my right and tord_phreak to my left in acres of room. Josie was hanging around in the corner, barely touching the disgusting mud.

As I walked, my feet sank into the mud and it came upto above my ankles. It would take a lot of Dove to get the smell of that out of my skin. Angelina counted down from three and then blew her whistle.

I immediately put my bucket down and began searching through the mud with both hands. It didn't take long before I found my first star, and then my second. I couldn't tell what colour they were as they were covered in mud but simply the light reflected off of them and they were hard.

As I moved forward I began to kneel in the mud. It was easier to get to the earth in front of me, and was quicker. As I leant over, I felt the cold wet goo touch the tip of my penis and it felt slightly arousing, if somewhat dirty.

It wasn't long before I was into double figures and looked round at my competitors. They were all now going for it, kneeling in the foul stench, desperate to find the stars. I approached my task with renewed vigour and didn't even stop when my bladder was full, just urinating into the mud.

This caused Angelina to whoop in delight. `Southernmark has just added piss to your mud' she cried

`You dirty bastard', Tord_phreak called over to me and I chuckled.

`Two minutes left' Angelina called out and I moved a few metres to a new spot and began digging fervently for more metal stars. The mud was up to my shoulders, up all my legs and had splashed all over my face and body. I was getting used to the smell but still disliked it.

Angelina finally blew her whistle and told us to make our way to the end of the barn. She had a hose, and she asked for tord_phreaks bucket first. She turned on the taps and water flooded the bucket, draining out of lots of little holes at the bottom. We all gave her our buckets in turn and then she ordered her maids to begin counting them.

`Line up', she told us, and we did against the wall as she spoke in hushed tones with her maids.

`Winner was flashergirl - ten gold and seventeen silver' Muted applause echoed around the barn and Angelina continued. `Tord_Phreak was second with eight gold twelve silver.' I was getting nervous now and looked at bigboy19 and Josie. One of us was going to leave.

`Third place goes to southernmark with two gold twenty-two silver stars.' Phew. `Now Josie, bigboy19. Josie has four gold and eight silver and bigboy19 has five gold and seven silver, which puts bigboy19 through' Bigbou19 gave a huge sigh of relief and threw his head back but Angelina continued. `...except that Josie collected the red star. Bigboy19, you are OUT!'

Josie's eyes opened wide and we looked at bigboy19.

`Come here' Angelina said and then pushed him backwards into the pit. `Your forfeit, is to be naked at every event from now on'.

`Now I have a business meeting in an hour, so my maids will help you clear yourself up. The next challenge takes place at the manor at 10.30 tomorrow morning. Don't be late'

It was 2pm by the time we arrived back at the hostel, and although I had hosed myself down with the farm's freezing cold shower, I wanted a proper shower and disappeared after a lunch of supermarket sandwiches to get clean.

This was almost in vain as flashergirl, bigboy19 and Josie wanted a rematch of the game of Truth or Dare. I reluctantly agreed after we had made the short walk into the village to procure wine and dinner.

We never got round to playing the game as both Flashergirl and me separated from Bigboy19 and Josie to settle down for the evening.

Can't have too much of a good thing. And Flashergirl is one hell of a good thing!
Mid-twenties family man from UK
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