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Old 12-14-2023, 07:36 PM   #16
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 268

I’ve missed my chance to contribute to today’s study session but I’m happy to help out with your next ones, and keeping you honest generally. The earlier ones of these will be things you’re entirely able to do so you WILL do them. The later ones will be the “unrealistic standards” you asked for. You WILL still try to achieve those.

i'll try to report how it's going, but i make no promises, i'm very unreliable sometimes haha...
First of all, if you can’t find the discipline to make a simple report on how you’re doing, how are you going to find the discipline to study long enough to do well on your finals? You are going to report back here with what you’ve accomplished each day. Yes, even if you give up completely and don’t get your studying done at all, you come back here and own up to it. This’ll not just keep you accountable to us, but knowing you can’t just vanish like you never agreed to anything will keep you accountable to yourself. Time spent participating in this thread does not count as misbehavior (but if you go anywhere else on GD, or if you’re looking at this thread just to procrastinate and not because you need to report or to review how your rules work, it’s still misbehavior).

Second, you forgot to include that you can’t cum while you owe a study debt. Since you won’t need to study after your finals are finished, I’m adding that if you still owe study debt after you finish your last final, all remaining study debt is turned into further denial time, and you must slap your pussy once for every minute of study debt you still owe. If you can’t do all the pussy slaps in one sitting, you owe double the total amount of slaps and denial time. Make sure you get that debt paid off in time!

To give you incentive not to stay up late looking at your phone, you can look at it for a total of 20 minutes after 9:00pm each night. If you look at it more, your next shower must be cold and while you’re in the shower you must spank yourself once for every minute past 20 you looked at it.

Next, it’s true that breaks are important. You should take a half hour break every two hours of uninterrupted studying. If that studying was truly uninterrupted, spend that half hour doing something enjoyable, preferably something arousing. If you accrued any new study debt during the last two hours, you’ll spend the first 15 minutes of your break writing “I wasted my time and must be punished” as many times as you can and the last 15 minutes doing something physical (a quick walk or jog, a mini-workout in your room, etc).

Finally, like an earlier poster suggested, I will give you a punishment for every point below 100 you get on each exam. Yes, this means you're doomed to be punished no matter what, your fault for saying you like unrealistic standards. But you can still get as close to 100 as possible.

For any that are below 80, the punishment will be much worse. You might say getting above 80 on all of them is impossible. I don’t. Use this time well and you can do it. You don’t want to know what happens if you fail. (I haven’t decided yet what it will be, I want to make sure it's something special that you specifically will dislike).

Study well and make sure to report!
27M, straight

Interested in: giving dares, designing complicated dares, receiving reports
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