Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 09-05-2011, 08:42 AM   #1580
Captain Harkness
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My review and rating of Torchwood Series 1.

Everything changes-7/10. Pretty much the entire mark comes from the discovery of Jacks immortality. It's pure genius and sets up pretty much endless stories.

Day One-10/10. When served as a double punch to open the series it was magnificent. It was Doctor Who adult. Sex, violence and bad ass attitude along with a sneaky solution.

Ghost Machine-7/10. Poorly delivered i felt. Owen appeared to be bipolar in the episode but there was a lot of humanity and funny moments. Shame a lot of the story dragged at times.

Cyberwoman- 9/10. Nice to see Ianto in the frame at last. Agreed it doesn't make sense for her to be alive nor does it make sense that the Torchwood team knew nothing of her. But it is a great episode. It showed slacking off work and work banter in depth. And it just felt like a good episode.

Small World-6/10. Yet another poorly delivered episode i found but it was nice to see Jacks old life been mentioned as well as what would become permanently mentioned 'corner of the eye'.

Countrycide-10/10. Showing humanity for the monster it is was an unusual and brilliant twist. (It is now over used but at the time it was unique.)

Greeks Bearing Gifts-7/10. Nice to finally learn more about Tosh and a truly interesting insight into what we would do if we got what we wished for.

They Keep Killing Suize-7/10. When we forget about someone or something it turns around to bite us. This was likewise. Nicely demonstrating the relationship between Jack and Gwen. But nothing against it or for it mostly.

Random Shoes-5/10. Not going to lie i forgot about this episode mostly. But it sadly was very much like 'Love and Monsters'.

Out Of Time-8/10. One of few emotionally touching episodes i actually like. An insight into the 50's and the culture clash of now and then. Finally showed what Owen was really like and it was worth the wait.

Combat-7/10. Demonstrating just how hurt you can get in love and the consequences. Little bits of humor but mostly filled with spy stuff and ow Torchwood is secret( This is a lost cause from series two onwards).

Captain Jack Harkness-8/10. The dangers of time travel are reveled and the are a lot of hints to 'Back To The Future'. This isn't bad in fact it makes it all very interesting.

End Of Days-9/10. Would have been higher if it wasn't for the silly end where Jack just vanishes and the Poor Directing in killing the monster. Bar that fun and interesting.

Series one is my favorite. One they don't over kill Jack or emphasize he is mortal. Two Torchwood is secretive. Three they aren't trying to please anyone.Torchwood is Torchwood the adult Doctor Who set in Modern day Cardiff.
Torchwood, Doctor Who, Sport, Pokemon, Xbox.I'm a geek yeah...
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