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Old 11-27-2023, 05:29 PM   #17
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 151

{before we begin the next round, i think I may have to explain clothing, each of you start out with 6 items of clothing, both uniforms have a coloured T-shirt and trainers/sneakers, the masculine outfit has a pair of white normal socks, white knee length shorts and a pair of boxers matching the colour of the T-shirt as well as a white undershirt with the shows logo on the front in the same colour as the T-shirt, feminine outfits have either mid-shin level white socks, white and coloured Thigh highs, the colour matching the T-shirt, or a black stocking and garterbelt set, along with a white bra and bikini cut panties matching the colour of their T-shirt, hidden beneath their skirt, so if you have femme clothes it would now be time to describe what you are wearing, either in the flow of your response or in the bracket format, also Mailman, I'm a She, not a he}

Ok ladies and Gentlemen, before we get into the next game, and boy is it a good one, we have a bit of book keeping, first of all, the vote, Tiffany, you forgot to vote again, ond you lost, again, so lets get that wheel out, but while the stage hands bring it out, lets talk Punishments, Foxy and Tiffany, you both stepped on the punishment arrows, and mailman you scored lowest, so maybe to help with your ability to put your feet in the right place, I think it may be best if you place your shoes in the box beneath your stool, now mailman, I hear you wish to use your ticket yourself, I didn't take you for that sort of person, but who am I to keep something from someone who wants it...

*as the host stops speaking a deluge of Green slime poors down onto mailman, rendering rather slippery, while that is going on the stagehands finish rolling out the vote wheel and also a booth similar to the ones the contestants sit in, and standing within is a voluptuous woman wearing a just a white minishirt and a white T-shirt with Gunged girl written on it in black letters*

ok now we have the wheel, and our volunteer, we can spin the wheel and explain the game *the host uses all of her might to send the wheel spining as fast as possible before turning her sights on the booth and the excited girl within*
ok, if you would please hold the rope Samantha, this game is simple, the contestants must hold the rope, I know, it sound easy, but in truth it isn't, because the rope is holding closed the valve to their gunge tank, and as thir tank fills, the more the rope pulls up.
*As the host says that the tank above the girls head starts to fill with green slime as she starts to struggle before it stops filling*
every time a contestant lets go their remaining felllows get a nice new addition to their tank and more points in the bank.
*as Alex finishes her sentence more slime make its way into the tank above the exerting woman*
Each fill will add a more 'delightful' substance to the tank.
*baked beans find themselves in the tank above the now slightly reticent woman*
once there is only one remaining contestant then after a short time the rope will lock and he or she will have managed to remain clean li.....
*as the host speaks the girl gives out sending slime and then beans all over herself, much to her chagrin and the amusement of both the audience and some of the contestants*
oh so close, speaking of which the wheel just stopped, having just ticked over from the scissors to 'fun', well Tiffany, I think the stagehands have a present for you.

*Tiffany is lead out by a stagehand and returns a little bit later wearing a miniskirt short enough that his Diaper is clearly visible underneath, what isn't visible is the chastity cage which he has been forced into, not the vibrator strapped to it, gently stimulating him*

there, much more fitting of your name.... is there a bee in the studio or something, or maybe my earpiece is playing up, I swear I just heard a buzzing

anyway if you guys can grab your ropes we can begin

* as the contestants grab their ropes they start trashtalking each other, but as the tanks start filling mailman lets out a yelp, as his already gunge slick hands cannot find purchase on the rope, the tank rapidly empties its contents of yet more green gunge onto him*

Oh dear mailman, today really isn't your day...
*the tanks keep filling as mailmans fellow competitors laugh at his misfortune, Pieguy find it particularly humourous, so much so that his grip weakens, sending the green and red slime covering himself*
well thats all the nice stuff out of the way, I believe its the beans next.
*as the beans make their entrance into the tank above the remaining contestants some of their arms tire, none more so than Silly, who risks switching to their weaker arm, although the rope slips a bit, her grip remains, the same cannot be said for Foxy, who tries the same, but quickly finds both hands empty. this deters most the competitors, but not Tiffany, who swaps his arms, allowing his main hand to rest so that it may take over later, when the load is worst. meanwhile chilli was making it way into the mix*
well some of our contestants are planning ahead, well done Silly, way to use you head....
*a head which was then being coated in slime, soon to be joined by both beans and chili, her weaker hand unable to hold the weight of the muck above her head*
spoke too soon....
*as the chili stopped coming the trash talk returned, with Jinu being the quietest, his arm was too tired, he had to swap arms, but as the arms switched his grip didn't, the rope sliding though his finger, the cleanest contestant rapidly became the messiest.*
now the duel for the ages, Ruby V Tiffany, one will get coated in... egh, that reaks, is that blue cheese dressing? I'm sorry who ever gets that... not my choice, nor my fault.....
* as Ruby's arm shakes Tiffany smirks at her, before switches arms back to his stronger hand, Ruby dejectedly releases the rope, rather conceding to the inevitable than suffer to hold it off*

*a minute later Tiffany cautiously releases the rope while Ruby retches, the tank above him slowly draining into, who knows where*

well done everyone, you all put up a valiant effort, not lets see the point you take away from your ordeals, Mailman, you take 0, you really aren't doing well are you and for coming last once again, you need to place a piece of clothing into the box beneath your seat, Pieguym you get 50, foxy, you take home 100, Silly, 150, Jinu 200, Ruby, along with a new fragrence, you bag 250, and Tiffany, although twice voted for, you gain 300 and as the winner, you get a coverted maguffin, you can use it to gift the votes you receive to one of your fellows, to remove some clothes from them, or return some clothes to yourself, or use it to gain 300 points, think carefully, and remember, you do not need to use it now...

so your totals are as follows, and it no particular order:
Mailman, 50 points
Pie, 350
Foxy, 500
Silly, 320
Jinu, 580
Ruby 570
Tiffany, 450

so as it stands Jinu has a narrow lead,, with Mailman left far behind the pack, don't worry, there is plenty of opportunity for that all to change. such as now, if you would please all vote
Pre everything ( ) Trans woman
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