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Old 09-04-2011, 04:21 AM   #38
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Default Here's a novel idea.

Originally Posted by Vinnie View Post
This is hOnestly fucked up. He went too far with it all, bdsm, having a master who respects your limits , but he is mentally fucked in the head, totally taken advantage of, all I would have done is have intercourse and if you wanted to suck me off then you could, for the situation it's too much and fucked up, can't expresss it enough, hope the way you get back at him is good, I'm hoping you do something or say something that gets him in trouble lawfully and such, I'd lie saying forced to do this, he would deserve whatever thenlaw does to him.
Try finding out wether a story is non-fiction (ie realy happened) or fictiion(ie compleately made up) before posting a massage that shows such disrespect to the writer. Also why are you even reading this if you can't handel the content. No one is forcing you. Flameing coments like this kill more stories than you realise which causes everyone who likes stories like this one and are able to handel the subject matter to have serious issues with the person who killed the story. I know two people have inquired as to the category of this story but the writer for what ever reason isn't telling. Don't be so quick with your assumptions and if you don't like it quietly walk away. Fans of the story don't want to hear you advertise about every story someone doesn't like. I hope you (and those like you) give this a little thought before ruining a good story for the rest of us.
Trust is important but if you aren't willing to get to know someone how will you ever know if you can trust them?
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