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Old 11-25-2023, 07:10 PM   #12
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Default Blue full of life

Blue full of life

Master has a breeding fetish, which we have been exploring together. To be honest, I am feeling happier since I stopped taking contraception, as it adds an extra edge to each sexual encounter. Although I don't enjoy my periods, they are finally regular again after a long delay restarting. My doctor confirmed that I was healthy and my regular testing came back clean.

I am in a relationship with a swinging couple arranged by my master. The wife is the main focus, however sometimes I spend weekends with her husband. He enjoys fucking me raw and ejaculating deep inside me, leading to cum leaking out for an extended period. As I cuddled with him I could feel the warm glow in my tummy. To prevent making a mess of their carpet or furniture, I have to wear knickers afterwards.

It had to happen eventually, my period was late, my breasts were full and sensitive and I was incredibly horny. After purchasing a few pregnancy tests, I confirmed that I was pregnant. After visiting my doctor, I informed Master. I was in the early stages of my pregnancy and I still had choices. Master recommended discussing this news with the swinging couple first.

I requested an unusual mid-week meeting with both of them, the couple inquired about its purpose. I said I preferred discussing it with them over a cup of coffee in person.

They looked nervous when I arrived at their house. When I explained the situation I was surprised to see the wife's eyes light up, and she eagerly turned to her husband, holding his hands in hers. This reaction was certainly not what I had anticipated, I'm not sure what I expected.

After a long discussion, it became apparent that they were open to having me serve as a surrogate and for them to then adopt the baby. I had to give this careful consideration, however I eventually agreed to this arrangement. At the insistence of the husband, I had a paternity test before the baby's birth. After the confirmation that he was the father, his enthusiasm for the baby increased greatly. With an official surrogacy agreement in place, we moved forward with this unique family plan.

Throughout my pregnancy, they provided financial, emotional, and most importantly physical support as I was incredibly horny as my hormones raged. The wife ensured I was prepared for childbirth by using her dilator on me while simultaneously bringing me to multiple orgasms.

As my baby bump started to show, I formed a friendship with a new guy at work. One day I was extremely horny and practically forced myself on him, begging him to fuck me. We then began casually dating. I would tease him that he had a fetish for pregnant girls, and he responded that if he did, it was my fault.

I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She arrived slightly earlier but it was a natural birth. The swinging couple immediately took her so they could foster their bond and love for her. This was my darkest time. My boyfriend, the guy from work, took two weeks off work and just held me while I cried. He also made amazing chicken noodle soup. He was a lifesaver.

Fast forward a few years and I married the guy from work. I keep him very happy by draining his cock every morning. When we started to slow down in the bedroom I introduced him to swinging.

Over the years, I maintained contact with my daughter and witnessed her growing up. She affectionately calls me "Auntie". Our combined families get together at Christmas time and I love to see all my daughters playing happily together. If my husband has his way with me, there will be another on the way soon.
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